Chapter 4

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Kristine POV

Dream again:

"Hey we're best friends forever right Kristine," A voice asked me.

"Of course," I hear myself say.

"Forever and ever."

What is going on?

End of dream

I woke up all teared up. I looked at Andy. I looked at the time.

I had a minute anyways to wake up for school. Might as well wake up now.

I hopped into the shower. Soon I got out and started to get dressed.

As I was doing my hair. I look in the mirror to see Andy starring at me with a smirk.

"I'm not gonna skip school today," I told him.

"Aww okay," he responded. "Can I drop you off?"

I nodded.

With that he walked out. But why is it I have a bad feeling.

I soon got done and met up with Andy outside. He handed a to go mug.

"Wow thank you," I said.

He smiled and kissed my lips. It was all sweet and than it went to kissing to us making out.

Which I didn't mind. At all.

I wrapped my arm around his neck. As he asked for entrance.
Which I gave him. Soon we were done making out a complete 5 mins.

"I better get going," I told him.

"Common," He responded as he took me to school.

As he dropped me off. I gave him one small peck. And headed in.

Once I head to my locker. I heard all sorts of screaming. And I look to see IM5 and the Angels.


Cole P.O.V

Okay we got to Florida. The plan was to just try to convince her she's Kristine. Because getting her memory is are number priority right now.

We got to her school. As we got there. We saw her get out. And to my belief it was Andy.

My hand went into a fist. I can't believe this.

"Cole no," Dana commanded.

Andy is lucky. For I would love to pound his face.

We all got out. And as usual girls were screaming from left to right.

"Angels," One Girl screamed.

"DANA," another screamed.

Soon I see Kristine and I see her look at me. My connection from those brown eyes never stopped neither did hers.

Soon she broke it. And she had what just happened look. With that she closed her locker.

"Eyrka," I yelled

"Why can't you guys take a hint," she asked ?

"Just give us today," I begged.

"Fine," She agreed. "But don't tell my boyfriend for he never liked it."

"No problem," Will spoke behind me.

With that she followed us out. We went into the car. I had her sit next to me.

It was hard trying not to grab her hand.

"So where we going," she asked?

"We're gonna do a trip down memory lane." David spoke up from the back.

"We're gonna show you how you met all of us and what you meant to us," Will said. "So your gonna see the good times and all the bad times."

With that she nodded.

Soon we got to the park that was all set up. There were pictures. It was perfect.

"Well this is the first part," Will spoke. "The day you were able to walk to your big brother Justin. Who meant so much to you.

"Now this is the day we met," Tori implied. "If it wasn't for Grammies daycare we wouldn't have ever met. And I wouldn't have the greatest Sister ever."

"Than there was a day where you met us," Cloe said. "If it weren't for that dance class."

"We wouldn't have been best friends," Layla told her.

"And the five of us wouldn't have ever had the crazy adventurous we had." Chelsea said as she wrapped her arms around Layla.

"Than there were the hard times you had to deal with," Dana spoke this time.

"The day you found out your brother Justin got cancer," Will said. "And sad to say we lost him."

"It was the most hardest thing on you," Cloe said. "For you had also got left behind. For your parents had left."

"But thanks to are Uncles Kuni and Bob, my parents, and are cousins," Will spoke. "You still had a family."

"Now few years had past. Will had moved to LA. For he had met the guys," Layla implied.

"Soon you came after for your Uncle Bob was gonna move here as well," Cloe said.

"While your uncle still found a place you moved in with us," Gabe spoke up.

"And we became really close friends," David spoke.

"You were also able to meet me," Amanda said. "And thanks to you I met the girls. Just like that we all became best of friends."

"That's when you met Cole," Gabe said.

Just like that Kristine looked at me. With confusion written all over face.

"The love of your life," Dalton said as he placed his arm around you.

With that I walked up to her. I placed the necklace I got her around her neck. She looked at it.

"And my love for you is still here and more as it always will," I told her.

Kristine's P.O.V

I looked at the necklace Cole had placed on my neck. Than I looked at the people around me.

Why do I feel they are right. I'm not Eyrka. And I'm not Florida.

As I look at Cole. Than the girls and the guys. And back to apparently my cousin Will.

Next thing I remembered everything went dark.


If this seems short to you guys sorry. But I have another story coming out soon called Living with my Ex. I hope you guys can read it as well.

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