Chapter 14

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Kristine's p.o.v

It's finally the week of graduation. Are parents are throwing us all a graduation party. At the end of everything.

I got picked for valedictorian. So I get to give a speech which I don't mind.

I was trying to write it right now. It's a lot harder than it seems.

I took the cookies out of the oven as I was still thinking. On the speech.

As I haven't even placed the tray down. I see two hands grab for cookies.

Now I had 8 cookies left. I looked to see it was Dana and Dalton.

Than everyone but Will came in. They all grabbed a cookie.

Than I heard the door open. "Is that Kristine's famous cookies I smell," I heard him ask?

I look to see there was none left. Than Will came in. And walked up to the tray.

I see a frown form. I felt bad really fast.

"You guys ate it all," Will whined.

I ran to the oven once I heard a ding. I ran to pull another tray.

I saw Will smile. Which makes me smile. Just because he is annoying and sometimes a pain. I still love him.

He is my cousin.

"This one is all yours," I told him.

I placed them in the rest of the basket. Which I made just for him.

"Is that all for me," Will asked?

I nodded. He ran and gave me a hug.

"Your the best cousin."

I just laughed.

"Any luck with your speech," Cole asked As he wraps his arm from behind.

"I think I do for now, but not sure," I told him.

"Don't worry you'll get this," Cloe told me.

"Hey Kristine mail," Gabe told me.

I look to see its three college letters. From three colleges I signed up for.

"Any for Will," I asked?

"Umm Kristine I actually didn't send them in," He told me.

"Why,"I asked?

"I want to stick with my career for now worry about college later," Will replied. "Hope your not mad. I know we promised Justin. But I'd think he'd be happier if we do what makes us happy."

He right. We promised Justin we'd go to college for him since he couldnt. But his also right Justin would understand why we wouldn't go.

"I understand and I am proud of you," I told him.

He smiled. "Now open them did you get in."

"Most likely she did," Cloe commented.

"Why wouldn't she," Gabe added.

"Open it," Chelsea pushed.

I want to. But one of the other colleges I signed up for was Julliard. For that was one of the colleges I wanted to go to ever since I was a kid.

I opened to the first two colleges here in LA. There community. But there the colleges I'm gonna need to be a flight attendant.

Which is the other career I want to be. Which I'm gonna try to be.

I opened the first one. Which is my third option. Orange Vale Coast.

I read the letter. I had gotten in. Which I'm happy about at least I have open ideas.

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