Chapter 2

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Kristine's pov

I walked with Andy who knows where his bringing me. Than he blind folded me.

"Andy where are we going," I asked him?

I felt him laugh. "Dont worry beautiful, I won't do anything."

Soon we stopped walking. I open to see a little picnic and i see we're one step from touching sand.

I turned and crashed my lips on his. I felt him shock and smile as he kissed back.

"I love you," Andy said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too," I respond back.

With that we sat down and enjoyed the rest of the day. But why do feel like somethings wrong.


Saturday, gonna hang out with my girls. And explain why i ditched school.

I succeeded and went downstairs. I made some cinnamon rolls for Andy to wake up to.

I walked outside to see my two best friends waiting for me.

"Thanks for skipping out on us," Alice complained.

"Sorry Andy planned a lurker date for us yesterday."

"Aww cute," Kyla spoke.

"Haha common we better get going," I implied.

We hopped into Alices car. Me in the front with Alice and Kyla partying in the back seat.

"ROAD TRIP," we yelled.

With that we are off to LA, California. Had to lie to Andy but I wanted to see IM5 concert.

We laughed and talked a lot on are way there. We were half way there when i got a phone call.

"Andy" it read.

"Guys shh," I told them."Hey Babe."

"Hey see you left me a treat," Andy asked?

"I did," I laughed.

"You guys almost to las Vegas?"

"3 more hours at least."

"Okay call me when you get there."

"K, love you," I said.

"love you too."

I hanged up. I looked at the girls. "Quit your smirking."

They laughed.


"AHH," we heard the crowd yelling in the crowd as we squeezed are way to the front.

Soon we made to the front. Perfect view.

Soon background music was playing while we waited.

"Ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoy the show," the announcer spoke. "Now ladies and gentlemen give it up for IM5."

"Hi everyone," Dana spoke.

Next is Will, Dalton,Gabe, and Cole. They were putting on fake smiles. Mostly Will and Cole.

"Hey is it just me or are they not really into it," I asked Alice.

She raised her shoulder. I ignored it.

They performed 'Its Gonna Be Me,' and 'Everything About you,' so far.

"Now Will needs a little cheering up, for he misses his cousin Kristine," Gabe announced.

"So can we get a special 5er to come dance the Touch Down Dance with us." Dalton said as he winked at someone backstage.

A lot of the girls raised their hands. Same with Alice and Kyla. I didn't for I knew I didn't have a chance.

"What about you," Dalton walked up to me.

"Me," I asked?

He nodded. I looked at the girls. They gave me the'go look'.

I took his hand. As I did I had a sudden flash.


"Sweet, do you know the dance," Dana asked?

I nodded. "good."

I started to dance and sing with the boys. It was super fun.

I soon walked off stage with them. They all gave me hugs.

Soon I got to Cole, Will, and Gabe. They had unsure looks.

"Have we met you before," they asked?

I shook my head. "No I'm from Florida."

I look to see Alice and Kyla coming with guards. They look like they're about to freak.

"Really," Gabe asked.

Coles POV

We were all hanging out with Eyrka. She's really funny. And super beautiful.

She kindve reminds me of Kristine. Well she does have her eyes. But the hair is not hers.

Her friends came soon. They look like their going to freak any minute.

Soon the girls came out. They were laughing.

"OMG your Angels," I think her name Alice yelled.

We all laughed. So did Eyrka.

"Oh these are my best friends Alice and Kyla," Eyrka introduced.

"Nice to meet fa..." Cloe stopped speaking.

"Bubbles," Layla asked?

"Rosie," Cloe said walking to Eyrka.

"Shes right," Will spoke up.

I looked closely. She looked at me. I looked in her eyes.

Than I saw it. I see Kristine.

How could I not see it. Shes right here infront me.

All of a sudden Tori grabbed her and started crying. Guessing she realized.

"Im sorry im not Kristine," Eyrka spoke removing Tori. " Im Eyrka and I'm from Florida.

Tori shook her head. "no your Kristine Dato."

"Are best friend," Chelsea spoke.

"My cousin," Will implied.

"And..." I walked up to her grabbing her face in my hands. "The girl I'm crazy about."

"I'm sorry no i have a boyfriend and his waiting for me back home," She added. "Andy was right i should've lied to him."

"Common Eyrka," Alice called.

She smiled." I'm sorry i hope you find her."

Kristine started walking. I wanted to grab her but that wouldn't do no good.

"Kristine," Layla called.

She turned her head and continued walking. As my heart breaks.

I thought her walking away from me for the first time after she broke up with me to save me. But no her walking away and not remembering me hurts more.

"What did Andy do to her," Amanda asked?

"Don't worry we're gonna figure this out," Will replied.

With that we headed to Kuni's place so we can tell him of the news.

Till I Find You(IM5 FanFiction/Sequel) 2Where stories live. Discover now