Chapter 12

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Kristine P.o.v

I walked with Cole around the park. Just us two while everyone was playing with the Frisbee.

We saw a lake. I let go of so I can get a better look. It was so beautiful.

I felt Cole snake his arms around. We were watching the view together. It was perfect.

"This is one the most beautiful things I ever seen," I spoke up breaking the silence.

"I would say this is a close second," Cole responded. "Your the first and only."

I felt my cheeks turn red.

I felt Cole lean in. Almost about to touch me till I moved out of the way.

I look to see Cole with the 'What the fuck' look. I couldnt help but laugh.

"Oh im gonna get you," Cole smirked. As he started chasing me.

I ran from him. I hid behind a tree. I didnt see him...

I came out than...

"Ahh," I screamed.

As Cole caught me spinning me.

"Now your gonna regret that," Cole told me as he tickled me to the floor.

"Stop," I tried to say but I couldnt stop laughing.

Cole stop. "Kiss me than."

"Nevermind rather be tickled," I told him.

"Ouch," Cole responded as he placed his hand on his heart and fake died.

"Im kidding," I said as i laid on top of him.

"I know," Cole said as he pinned me. "Thats why i love you."

"I love you too," I added.

As Cole and I lips met. i fely him ask for entrance which i allowed as i wrapped my arms around his neck.

Soon 10 minutes later we both broke. Placing are forehead against each other catching are breath.

"We better get back," Cole suggested.

I nodded. With that we got up walking arm in arm back to everyone else. To see they were laying on the grass relaxing.

"There you guys are," Dalton complained.

I analyzed we were in a circle. It was getting dark. We moved to one of the pits. And chilled by the fire.

"I cant believe graduation is in two months," Amabda spoke.

"Same," Will added.

"Are any of you planning go to college," Chelsea asked?

I nodded. " I sent my letters in two weeks ago."

They all looked my way. Mostly Cole.

"Were you all not going to," I asked?

They all nodded.

"Same," Will responded.

I smiled at him. For we all planned it. For we made a promise to Justin we would.

"What about the band," Chelsea asked?

"Don't worry we wont be too far," I told her.

"Were gonna be here in LA still," Will told them.

"Good," Cole smiled. "Because your not going anywhere pass the boarder."

We all laughed.

"Heard you got voted to do the speech for graduation and the teacher award," Gabe implied.

I nodded. "They said it was a tie between two teachers. And I know who, but can you guys help me with the speech I have an idea and everything planned. Just neeed you guys."

They all nodded.

"You guys we should do something this summer," Cloe added.

"Well one of are Uncles has a ranch and he actually invited us to go there for the summer," Will implied. "You guys want to go?"

They all nodded.

"Sweet," I told them.

"Now we just got to get through till graduation," Amanda added.

"Which we'll handle together," I told them.

With that we got up blew the fire out. And headed home.

Once we got home we headed straight to are rooms. We were all too tired to do anything.

I walked up to Cole and I's room. Stripped my pants and blouse so I was in my tank top and underwear. Removed my bra and laid down. I felt Cole lay down next to me.

I turned to cuddle with him. I felt so warm and safe.

"Goodnight," I told him as I looked at him in the eyes.

"Night," He responded.

Until he crashed his lips. I kissed him back.

Soon we stopped and went straight to bed.

I just can't believe senior year is gonna end.

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