The Rumors

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*Longer chapter*

It was almost ten at night and my mind could not stop thinking about what Alex said. I finally got up and went to Carter's room. He was still up on his phone. Maybe that new girl he's been seeing. Maria. She is very nice. I've only met her a few time but overall she is very sweet and loving. I see them two as a couple.

Carter finally noticed me walking in. "Hey Maria, I'll talk to you tomorrow my sister needs to talk to me. Goodnight." He smiled at his phone.

"Goodnight Carter." I could tell by her tone she was also smiling. "Hi Danielle!"

"Hi!" I tried to sound happy. They both hung up as he turned his desk lamp on.

"You okay?" He sat up. I sat at the foot of the bed.

"Do you know who Alex is- in my grade?" I asked. He nodded. "Well he said that our family was no good. He made it sound like we were bad people." Tears began to escape my eyes again. He sat closer to me.

"Hey, I got this. Don't worry about Alex. Trust me- our family are not bad people." He patted my back to help calm me down.

"I-I-I don't want to go t-to school tomorrow." I managed to say in between sobs.

"Dani you have two weeks left. Finish high school out strong. For mom." I nodded and headed for the door.

"Thank you." I smiled and headed to my room to sleep.

When I walked to my bathroom to get ready for school the next morning, my eyes looked so puffy from crying last night. I just looked miserable. I applied some makeup and a nice white shirt with a blue sweater. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I put on my black leggings and headed out.

Everyone seemed to be staring at me for some reason. I was feeling very uncomfortable. I am not  much of the popular kid here. I sometimes feel like I am nothing here- nothing to no one. I almost fell asleep during my first period class. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I manage to stay awake during the boring film we were watching.

I sat down at my seat in art class. "Hey." A familiar voice said. I looked up to see Blake taking his seat.

"Hey." I smiled back. Please don't notice me looking miserable today!

"Are you okay? You look like you have not slept." Shit!

"I'm fine." I smiled. I could tell he was still reading my eyes and face.

"I know when someone is faking a smile. Please, let me help." He said. I took a deep breath.

"I've only known you for 2 days at least-"

"I understand." He cut me off as if he already knew what I was about to say. "Trust issues. It's okay. Why don't we go out and hang out at the mall afterwards? You can trust me with that, can't you?"

I thought about it for a moment. He is friends with my brothers so I can't really argue. "I guess I don't see why not."

"Meet you out front of the school afterwards. If you would like, I can drive you." I nodded. In a way I felt like I was not a nobody. Maybe this could be the beginning of a new relationship, like a friend. I never really dated- or even thought about dating. I guess my parents ruined the image of love for me.

Lunch seemed worse then yesterday. Everyone was watching me. I felt so unwelcome here. Why is everyone looking at me? I sat at my normal seat. I didn't even unpack my lunch box for I did not want to eat. I saw people whispering back and forth to each other. I saw Blake sitting in the seat he was sitting in yesterday. He caught me looking around. Blake
smiled and waved at me. Alex noticed this gesture and glared at me. Blake saw the worry look on my face and watched me leave the lunch room.

I headed straight for the bathroom but before I could even get into it someone grabbed my arm. They turned me around. "Hey, you okay?" It was Blake. He looked worried and concerned. "Dani, please tell me." He let go of my wrist. I just stared at him thinking of all of the chaos that has happened in my life. Why can we not graduate sooner? "Please."

"Follow me." I said. I was taking him a room on the library. It is called the quiet room- it's for people who have a lot of work and need some peace. I sometimes come in here for the peace, to clear my head as well.

We stepped inside the room. Blake sat across from at the table. "Dani-" I put my hand in front of me telling him to stop and let me explain. I told him everything that Alex said to me. I told him the reason why I did not text him back last night. The reason why I look so tired today. I did not tell him about my parents fighting, not yet at least. I felt so much better telling him about it. When I got finished talking- he just sat there quiet. I could see him trying to think of how to respond to this.

"Don't worry about Alex. I know your brothers. Your family are not bad people Danielle. Please don't let him get under your skin." I looked at his eyes- filled with worry and concern. I've never had someone who wasn't related to me be this kind and understanding with me. Tears begun to fall again, but I quickly wiped them away before he could notice. "Come on lets get out of here and go do something fun." He said standing up.

I grabbed his arm before he was out the door. "Wait! I have a test coming up next period and I need to take it."

"Okay, are we still hanging out after school?" I nodded and let go of him. He smiled and headed out the door.

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