Escape From Reality

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I was very pleased to see that it was Saturday. The sunlight hit my clear crystal that was hanging in my window, it made the room look sparkly and bright. I sat up, looking out the window-my father's car was back. I relaxed but also knew what the day had planned for me-chaos.

I put some comfy cloths and sat on my bean bag chair and picked up my book.

I read so many amazing books, some were about princess in castles with a huge dragon surrounding it, others like people traveling through space and landing on another planet, my favorite are the ones about Norse Mythology. I like to picture myself on Asgard, living in the village and seeing the amazing sunsets, along with sun rises there. It must be peaceful.

I must have read for two hours by now. Looked up from my book because my eyes were starting to bother me a bit when a loud crashing noise startled me. I jumped up from my chair and ran down stairs.

There my mother and father yelling at each other in the kitchen, beside my mother was chair that was destroyed to pieces. Chaos. It has been three years, yet I still don't know what they are yelling about. My siblings and I choose to ignore them, unless something dangerous happens then we interrupt them.

My two brothers must have gone to the park to shoot some hoops with some friends. I went back upstairs to get dress, I will take a walk down to the park and watch them for a bit.

The path to the park was very-interesting. A few houses down from me you have a lady who's in her mid 40s, and has tons of cats, but overall, she's pretty nice. Turning the corner from her house you have a man who owns all of these 50s-80s cars. I believe he has about 25 of them, half are at his house and the other in storage. I really like this Impala car, I believe he told me it was a 67?

I arrived at the park and saw Carter and Drake shooting some threes.  "Hey Dani! What's up?" Carter shouted to me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Mom and dad were fighting so I came to watched you guys." I leaned back on a tree that provided enough shade for me. I notice some of their friends but there was one I never seen before. He stayed pretty quite for the most part, I could tell he was not like the rest of the guys. Maybe he didn't like sports that much.

I leaned back and watched the clouds go by slowly.

As night fell upon us, my brothers and I started to head back home, hoping that everything back home was okay. Carter and Drake talk about sports for bit before I interrupted. "Hey, who was the new kid?" I asked.

They both thought for a moment. "Oh you mean Blake? Ya he's pretty cool. Although I don't think he likes sports that much, but he is pretty chill to hang around." Drake said. I nodded at him and looked down at my feet.

We walked through the door of our house to find mother crying at the dinner table. Carter nodded at me, that was the signal saying, this might be a daughter to mother thing. I slowly walked over to her. "Mom, are you alright?" I asked.

"Sweetie," she saw Carter and Drake standing at the front door waiting to see what will happen. "Your father and I, are getting a divorce." My heart sank down to my feet. I felt tears approaching my eyes. I raced up to my bedroom and slammed the door. I laid on my bed and let the tears out.

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