Open Your Eyes

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The halls of my high school are always crowded. It is very hard to move or even get to your locker. I kindly push and move towards my locker to grab my geometry books. This day was about to be the most boring yet.

My first three periods were not so bad. Mostly just sat there doing homework that was tonight's homework. So basically for me- it was a study hall. I tried so hard to get what happened over the weekend out of my head.  The bell rang and I went to my next class, art.

I sat in my normal seat at this very empty table. I grabbed my project I was working on. We had to take a picture we like, and paint it but with dots. Dot art basically. I took the picture of my family at St. Thomas on the beach, with the blue ocean behind us. I saw a figure walk in the room but did not budge to look up, I was too focus on the mixing the paint.

"Is this seat taken?" A man asked. I looked up to see Blake.

"No, you can sit there." I said with a smile. He smiled back. He seem to be already caught up with the project.

"Hey, you're Dani, right?"

"Danielle, my brothers call me Dani." I never talked to anyone new in a long time so I went back to my project because I was so nervous.

"Cool, so what is your picture?" He was already working on a picture.

"It's an older picture of my family at a beach." I showed him the picture and he nodded with a smile.

"That looks really cool."

"What about you?" I asked. I looked up at him and saw how blue is eyes were, almost breath taking. I felt my heart skip a beat for a moment.

"It's a picture of my dog Stella. She passed away two years ago."

"Aww, I'm sorry. She really is cute husky." I always had a soft spot for husky. I always wanted one but my parents refused every-time. I remember when I was six, my brothers and I wrote a contract out and our parents still refused.

"Ya, she was a good dog, always there for me." I nodded and went back to painting. The rest of the period we had small talk. I didn't tell him about the divorce- I didn't tell him about the chaos going on at home.

There was five minutes left of the period so I started to clean my brushes and tray. I sat back down and planned out the rest of my day. "Hey, you seem really chill to hang around, mind if I get your number, not in a romantic way." He was so nervous asking for my number, I also giggled a little but didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Sure." I ripped a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote my number down and handed it to him. He smiled and put it in his wallet.

"Thanks." He said and then the bell rang.

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