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  I write this quick entry to let it be known that the court of Alienor d' Aquataine and Poitiers is a dream for me. So through the cold and snow, the carriage breaking dpwn at least  six times in the muddy snow I have arrived in the town of York. Oui! York! To be here was not of my mind, but that of Sir Guy's. *Sighs* Oui, this his choice of exile. is hould be grateful that SIr Guy did not send me to a convent but knowing him that may be a matter of time.

  So here I am in York in a smaller house, that Sir Guyseems to have made possible...for now... with dear Brigid my servant, but more than a servant for she has been with me since I was a child, so she is at heart a dear memeber of my family.

  I do not know where we will go or what we do from here but I am of the mind set that somehow, someway, that it would be wise of me to look and try to make our way south to Poitiers, the land of Alienor d'Aquatine. This I know will be a hard journey for we shall have to go around Nottingham and not through it and pray not to be caught.

  Then again Brigid and I could journey west and make a return visit to my home of the land of Eiru. Even without much left it would be nice to see home again.

Diary of the Lady M of GisborneWhere stories live. Discover now