The Dress

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  I have made steps into returning to some semblance of a normal live, as much as one possibly can, before The Event  befell me. Us. I am no longer abed and in my bed chamber as much as I had been, but I have yet ventured into Nottingham. Instead, I prefer to stay close to the manor by daring to go no further than my own garden. Yes, I know it is not good that I stay home, but I still wish to have no contact with other people. I still mourn for Sir Guy and the people of the church. 

At least by staying at the manor I feel some comfort by tending to the evergreens and small animals. Guy has always seemed to have thought that I have a familiar or two, as if I am a witch. Very unreasonable of him. All because I am kind to the animals and treat them with respect, while they, in turn, bring me some comfort and companionship, unlike Sir Guy.

  Yes I am still hurting because of Angel's Mass at the had of Sir Guy,but now anger at him is filling me as well...and not just because of The Event.

  I was wishing Guy would have come home by now for a talk about what happened and I could tell him that I forgive him and love him, but he has not. Instead, Guy now seems to think he can buy my forgiveness and my love with a new dress. I do not know what he could be thinking to do that for Sir Guy knows me better than that. At least I thought he did.  It is a beautifully made green wool bliaut with a light green silk cotte with leaves embroidered upon it, but that is not the point. The point is not only did Sir Guy have the dress made he  had it delivered by messenger instead of bringing it to me himself and that only brought more of my anger. I wanted to see him, not the messenger!

*Sighs* Oh the man!

However, after all is said and done, I still love Sir Guy.

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