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The other day, without Brigid, I found myself going to one of York's market close to an old Jewish temple that is no longer in use because of the massacre of the Jews at York Castle, that was a year or so ago. so now there are not many Jews left in York to frequent this or any other of York's markets. I find this to be a shame for they did nothing wrong but practice a different religion than others. *Sighs* But I do know how others can be when you do not believe as they do.

As I was saying, I went into to the market in York without Brigid the other day and came across a crowd gathered a somewhat handsome man showing off his perceived archery and sword skills for the crowd. I say perceived skills for his ego out shown whatever skills he did posses and after having lived around Nottingham and seeing the marksmanship of one Robin of the Hood, I know know what real skills in archery and sword look like and so all of this man's skills left me unimpressed. as did his name...Archer. With this in mind I left and continued with my shopping.

It was when I was looking at apples and reaching for a particular apple that a large paw disguised as a man's hand reached for the same apple and my hand. I looked up to find that this paw...this hand...belonged to the man named Archer. He gave me a look that only a man should give his wife and made me feel tings that a wife should only feel for her husband. Naturally I did not let on to him of these feelings that were spreading from the core of my stomach through out the rest of my body. A proper lady does not do such a thing. I felt like blushing instead I gave him an irritated and haughty look and told him to kindly please remove his hand and that if did not do as I asked I would have a soldier remove it for him. The nerve of this man! For all he did was keep looking at me with a smirk as if he knew what he had awaken in me. making me feel things that I have not felt since Sir Guy last touched me and I him. Writing this makes me long for the kind touch of Sir Guy. Yes, he Guy could be very loving and gentle.

Anyway, Archer stood there with his hand upon mine and looked at me for an eternity or what it ay least it felt like, before kissing my hand and letting go of my hand. After he did this he winked at me and grinned before turning and taking his leave of me. leave of me? I think this man has taken leave of his senses!

Flustered I left the apples and the market and returned to the house where an irritated Brigid was waiting for me at the door. I only looked at her in silence when i stepped into the house. I set what little I did get at the market on the table in the cooking area before going to my bed chamber and shutting the door.

at the moment I don't care what anyone else thinks because for the first time in a long time I feel like a free woman or at least as free as a woman in my position can feel free.

Diary of the Lady M of GisborneWhere stories live. Discover now