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JUNGKOOK It's been two weeks already and I can't stop kissing his cheeks

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JUNGKOOK It's been two weeks already and I can't stop kissing his cheeks. How can the world stop around someone so beautiful? I didn't ever think that loving someone could come as an instinct from just one glance at them. Saying this, I thank you Mother and Father for bringing me up. I'm sorry if I ever disappointed you as your son. I feel like I can understand you now when you told me that you would always love me no matter what because I'm your son. Everyone, I have to confess something. I'm love with my Jeongie. Happy Birthday, My Little Euphoria. Appa is very proud of you, baby. How are you 3 years old already? May your life be blessed with health and happiness. I love you, Jeongsan. No matter what. I'm sorry for everything that has happened because of me. But from now, I'll always be here for you.☺️💜❤️💘
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