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My mother fell ill, when I was 7 years old. Every doctor she saw could not help her, so my father decided to go to America to see if there was a doctor to help her.

"Dad let me come with you," I pleaded

"If you come who will keep Joseph out of trouble?" He asked kneeling down at my level

I hung my head down, "no one"

"And who will keep uncle Speedwagon company?"

I sigh, "no one"

He ruffled my hair, "good girl. Don't worry we will be back before you know it."


They never made it to America, some thugs robbed them and murdered my parents. At first I was lonely, but Speedwagon was there, he told me stories of his bizarre adventures with Jonathan Joestar, raising my dad and his younger brother, and my grandma.

I swung on a swing that hanged on a big tree. Then I felt a tiny rock hit my back, I turn around to see Joseph, he had a terrible way of making me feel better, but it somehow worked. I throw a bigger rock at him, he dodged it, but got upset.

"Hey no fair! I threw a smaller one!" He yelled

"You started it, so I'm going to finish it" I spoke in a lady like voice

"Thats why you throw like a girl!"

"I am a girl you half wit!"

Then granny Erina called out for Joseph, he ran back inside, before getting the last word.

"This is not over!"

He continues to run back to the house, kick the dirt and stick out my tounge.

"Now that is not lady like," Speedwagon spoke from behind

"Hehe I uncle Speedwagon"

"Come on you and I have work to do"

"Yes sir"


*8 years later*

I was rummaging threw my father's studies for no particular reason. Thats when I came across a small trunk. I opened, the first item was a book, the second one was a letter, the third item was a purple crochet shawl. I read the letter, it was written by grandma for dad and uncle Dilan.

"She must've wrote this before giving birth"

The shawl needed to be washed, an maybe a touch up. I remember Speedwagon say grandma always wore a shawl Dio gave her, this must've been it. I touched the hard cover book, it looked like it had at least a 100 pages.

When I began to read it, I realized this was the story of grandma and Dio. I read every word carefully, making sure not to skip a line or accidentally grab two pages. I couldn't stop tears from falling, it was so romantic and sad.


I reread the book so many times I almost skipped dinner. It was quiet at the dinner table, until I spoke.

"Uncle Speedwagon I would like to travel the world"

Joseph was the first one to speak up, "what the hell kind of nonsense is that?!"

"Its not nonsense," I explained, "I just want to do see the world and meet-"

Joseph cut me off, "meet someone? This not some fairy tale where you meet your true love"

I slammed my hands down on the table, "that is true but I would like to try"

"Your dad filled your head with too many stories of your grandparents. What a load of crap, no way she could love that man,"

he grabbed a piece of leg meat, I grabbed it too, so I could have his attention.

"It's not a load of crap, she must've loved him, she had too!"

Joseph began to pull on the meat, "who could love a monster?"

I pulled back, "she didn't see him like that"

He yanked hard pulling the meat out of my hand causing his seat to fall over.

Speedwagon finally spoke up, "(y/n)"

I scoffed, I turn to the portrait of my grandparents,  "she is waiting for him, so she can tell him how she feels. Waiting," I look at Speedwagon, "right, Speedwagon?"

Speedwagon did not respond, I shake my head and walk off.


"Good riddance, I don't see the big deal," Joseph says sitting up his chair properly

Granny Erina spoke, "Speedwagon you should talk to her"

"Yeah you're right," Speedwagon said rubbing the back of his neck before going to talk to (y/n)

"And you young man will apologize to her once you clean up this mess," granny Erina said pulling Joseph's ear

"Ow ow ow that hurts!"


I sat on a bench that was by the lake. I had my legs propped up close to my chest with my arms wrapped around them, resting my chin on my knees. I watched as the moon made the water sparkle. Then I heard Speedwagon speak from behind me.

"I knew I find you here," he says sitting beside me, "your grandmother love this spot."

"You come to lecture me?" I asked snobby

"Heheh no, but you should know, Joseph just doesn't want to see someone he cares about leave."

"I know," I say softly, "he just has a horrible way of saying it."

"Which is why we won't tell him you're leaving," Speedwagon nudges me

"Huh? What to you mean?"

"You can travel the world, as long as it's under the Speedwagon Foundation that way I know where you are. And you have to wait a couple days, just to clear the air."

A smiled wide, before throwing myself in his arms, "thank you uncle Speedwagon! You are the best."

He hugs me back, then pulls away pulling out the purple shawl I found.

"It was your grandmother, she never took it off. I had it cleaned up and touched up while you were reading the story she wrote."

"I did not even notice you taking it," I giggled

Speedwagon wrapped it around my shoulders, "you are the spitting image of her, but you two are very different. I won't cage you up like what Dio did to her."

We hug one last time before heading back inside, Joseph and I did make up. But I will have a lot of making up to do once I return.

Caesar Zeppeli x Reader Where stories live. Discover now