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5 days until the pillar men were to be defeated, everybody was on edge. Knowing their hide out did not give us  much of advantage. Despite knowing this, Caesar was ready to charge in without a second thought. Joseph knew that it was a stupid idea, but talking to a stubborn person was like talking to a wall. Before anyone could blink an eye, the two men were fighting.

"What the hell Caesar? What's wrong with you?" JoJo asked throwing punches

"Just shut the hell up!" Caesar said returning the punches

Lisa Lisa and Meshina had to break them apart. In the time spent with Caesar I've never seen him this worked up before, it frightened me. In the end nobody could change his mind, he jumped over the balcony heading to the abandoned hotel. I followed right behind him, running after him.


He stopped in his tracks, "please don't do this," I begged

"I have too, this is a Zeppeli matter"

"Kars is not going anywhere, you can wait a little longer. Don't be stupid, I refuse to let my last memory of you be your back."
Caesar turned around coming closer to me, "then don't let it be." We stare at each other for a minute, I take in his face, his blonde hair, green eyes, the purple markings near his eyes, just memorizing his face. "Close your eyes and keep them close," he whispers in my ear. When I closed my eyes a tear slipped down my cheek. Then, I felt Caesar's lips on mine, he held my cheeks deepening the kiss, his tounge slide in my mouth, making me moan a little. He kissed me like this was the end. I hold onto his shirt tight, he finally pulls away from the kiss. "I love you," he whispered, before I could say it back he pushes me away and traps me in a bubble.

I still kept my eyes closed as he said too, as I banged on the bubble, screaming words of rage.


Tears streamed down my face, I refused to open my eyes, I did not want to see him walk away from me.


My fist slowly came to a stop, "please don't leave me, CAESAR"


*Caesar pov*

As I drew my last dying breaths, I stole Wamu's lip ring, I used my headband and last bit of hamon to put it in a bubble.


Time began to slow down, my thoughts began to drift to the woman I love. Her beautiful smile, the way her cheeks flushed when I compliment her, and the anger expression on her face when JoJo pissed her off. Everything I loved and would've loved about her flashed through my mind.

'(Y/n), is it okay if you wait for me?'

'It won't be long'

'I promise'


The bubble Caesar trapped me in popped, and I knew it was not of his free will. I slowly walked to the abandoned hotel, afraid of what I might see. I reached the outside of the doorway, I walked inside to see JoJo and Lisa Lisa, but no Caesar.

JoJo looked up at me, "(y/n), you shouldn't be here"

Tears flowed down my cheeks, "where is he?"

JoJo looked at bolder that was shaped like a cross, blood began to seep from the cracks.

"Blood. His blood. This where he fell. Caesar, " JoJo spoke with a tremble in his voice

Lisa Lisa fell to hear knees sobbing, "Caesar"

I shuffled myself closer to the rock falling to my knees in front of it, laying my upper body on it.


JoJo's screamed at the top of his lungs, falling to his knees placing his hands on the rock. I starred at Caesar's blood, I moved my fingers towards it, placing them in the puddle of blood. I then began to absorb his blood.

JoJo called out my name, "(y/n) don't, who knows what might happen if you drink blood."

"It's fine, it's his blood," I said plainly

"It's fine"

New tears started flow down

"It's fine"

They fell from my eyes


I screamed allowing all my pain to be heard.

"CAESAR!!"..."Why did you leave me?" I whispered

JoJo brought me into a hug, "don't worry, I will avenge his death. You just wait here, it will all be over soon."

I held JoJo tight, crying in his chest, "I believe you."

'Caeser my love, you are my one true love. I will see you again, I promise to wait for you'

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