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Caesar and Joseph's fight came to a draw. As it turns out Caesar couldn't beat pigeon, and Joseph couldn't beat a woman.

Speedwagon mumbled, "what a day"

I shake my head, "seriously"

Then I felt something tug my dress, I look down to see a little boy, no older that 7. I squat down to his level.


"Excuse me miss, I have a question about umm love?"

"Hahah you seem a little young to be worrying about that," I said ruffling his hair

He blushed while fixing his hair, his face became stern, "this is serious"

I raise my eyebrows, "oh?"

"Her name his Vanessa, she is 13. She keeps saying I'm too young for her, but no matter how old I try, I can't convince her I'm not too young. That I can take care of her and make her happy."

I lightly chuckle at his cuteness and his determination. "Well first off, you are too young."

"But!-" he tried to speak up

"Ahh," I place my finger of his lips shushing him, "let me finish." I remove my finger before continuing, "but that does not mean there isn't room to grow. Instead of trying to convince her you're not too young, try taking the time to get to know her, learn about her likes and dislikes. By the time you are an adult, you will know her like the back of your hand. However, make sure you she gets to know you as well, it can't be one sided. Nothing can be one sided."

The boy asked confused, "why can't it be one sided?"

"Because it be unfair, if you spent all that time and energy into her an she didn't bother to return the favor? That is not right."

He nodded his head, "I think I understand." He pulled out a daisy from his vest handing it to me.

"Oh thank you," I say accepting the flower. The little boy kisses my cheek before running off. I stand up waving at him with a smile.

*Caesar pov*

I watched as the beautiful woman waved at the little boy. Her beautiful smile shined like the sun. She smelled the daisy with a smile. I walk up to her, "allow me," I say taking the flower from her and placing it in her hair. "Oh," she spoke in surprise, "you have a lot of nerve coming to me after kissing another woman," she spoke with sass in her voice. I laughed at her comment, "when I see a beautiful women, I give her the attention she deserves." She scoffed at me, smacking my hand away.
Her beautiful eyes starred at my every move. Then her eyes became sad, they filled with guilt. I brush my fingers against her cheek, she let out a sigh, leaning her head in my hand. She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear her, before I could ask her what she said, that imbecile Joseph interrupted us.

"HEY! KEEP YOUR WOMANIZING HANDS OFF (Y/N)!" He says snatching her away from me. "Come on (y/n), we are going back to the hotel."

I glare at him, "hmph"

"He didn't try anything did he?" Joseph asked (y/n)

"No," she replied annoyed

"Stay away from that womanizer, I don't need him breaking your heart or else I'll have to break evey bone in his body."

"Yeah yeah yeah"

I scoff at his remark, "bastard"


'I'm so sorry'

Caesar Zeppeli x Reader Where stories live. Discover now