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I watched from the distance as Caesar and JoJo trained. I wanted to stay out of Caesar's view, he could get distracted by my presences. Lisa Lisa came up next to me, "you seem to be avoiding Caeser's view." I nod my head, "he should be focused on the task at hand." She held my hand, "thats not the only reason? Is it?"

My voice cracked, "He can't know the truth, it would kill him. He would hate me."

Lisa Lisa grabs my arms making me face her, "He would never hate you, from what I can tell he loves you."

"I love him too, that is why he can't know."

"If Caesar did find out, I'm sure he would understand why you hid it from him."

"I used my grandmothers story to hide from the fact my grandfather is a cruel man. I looked at as some romantic fairy tale. What's there to understand?"

Lisa Lisa stayed quiet, she just pulled me into a hug.

'Everything has to be hard'


I continued to observe JoJo, as Caesar went inside real quick. Joseph used a hamon attack, but Loggs dodged it, I did not pay attention, for it was coming right at me.

Joseph yelled out to me, "(Y/N) LOOK OUT!"

"Oh shit," there was no time for me to dodge, the only thing I could was brace for impact. I held up my hands, to freeze my blood, but I was too late. "AHHHHH," I fell to my knees holding my hands close to my chest. JoJo came running to me, sliding across the dirt, "are you okay?" He examined my hands. "I'm fine, they'll heal," I replied.

*Caesar pov*

While inside I saw (y/n)'s book, curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to read it. I know it was wrong, but I was curious.

The moon shined brightly as my love, Ethan and I walked the streets. Then before I could register anything, I saw Ethan on the ground, his head bleeding and I was being taken away by these creatures. That's when I met him, Dio brando. A creature of the night, a vampire.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I got in to the story. And what I read put a whole new perspective on things.


JoJo, Lisa Lisa, and I sat at the dinner table eating lunch. JoJo and I arguing/laughing about the situation earlier.

"I told you too look out"

"Your hamon was coming at me full speed!"

I took a bite of my food, Lisa Lisa spoke up, "Caesar, what's wrong?"

Caesar held his head down, the shadows covering his eyes. I saw him holding my book, making my heart stop. "So, did you hope to deceive me this whole time?"

I stood up, "No, I wanted to tell you-"

"Save it," Caesar walks up to me handing me the book, "you're nothing but a liar and monster."

Jojo stepped in, "hey now! Thats unnecessary!"

Caesar gave him a cold glare, "stay out of this JoJo"

"You're wrong! I'm nothing like my grandfather!"

Caesar ignored my please, my words were of no use. I placed my hand on my heart, I did not cry. What he said is not entirely wrong. I did not tell him who I am, but I did not give him false information. His stubbornness prevented him from seeing that.

JoJo placed a hand on my shoulder, "he'll come around"

I looked over my shoulder, a single tear slipped from my eye, "will he?"


I decided to call Speedwagon to yell at him for the predicament I'm in, but granny Erina picked up.

"Oh? Granny Erina? It's you hehe"

"Yes, were you expecting Speedwagon?"

"Well...yes, but it is good to hear from you as well"

I tried to sound like nothing is wrong, however she saw right through my act.

"What is wrong dear?"

A single tear slipped down my cheek, "why did she love him?"

Granny Erina let out a sigh before speaking, "she did not say that she loved him, she kept her personal feelings for him to herself. But I do know that she cared for him deeply."

I wiped my tears away, granny Erina continued to talk. "You fell in love with the Zeppeli boy, didn't you?"

I smiled making more tears form, "yes"

"Than be honest with him, Speedwagon wants to talk too you"

Speedwagon spoke, "(y/n)?"

"Speedwagon, why did you bring me on this adventure?"

"To face the reality"

'Of course'

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