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Long story short of what happened last chapter:

Violet left Diana alone with Gillian so she can clear her head off. Her feet took her into a forest, where she bumped into Matthew, who, at the time was hunting. After a little talking, she left him to his hunting. The next day, Violet called Sarah and told her about Ashmole 782. After their conversation, she met with Diana in front of the Bod. After Diana got the books she needed, she realized she missed one. She asked Violet to get it for her, and she did. Violet went to get the book, when she was close to getting it (it was on a high shelf), she accidentally used magic and it flew away, falling. She saw someone catch it, someone familiar.


Violet's Pov

"Yours, I believe?" The familiar person said.


"Hey, what's going on?" Diana asked confused while walking towards them.

I walked down the stairs. "You know him?" She asked. "Uh... I bumped into him yesterday."

"That's a nasty burn." He said, looking at the vessel shaped burn on my right hand.

Then, Diana just stared at him. "You're a vampire." She said. He just gave her what I think it was a business card, while I got the book from him.

"Professor Claimont, Biochemisry." Diana read from his business card. "Dr. Bishop." He said. "I find your article in color symbolism in alchemical transformatin's fascinating. And your work in Robert Boyle's approach to problems of expansion and contraction quietly persuaive. You have a wonderful way of evoking the past for the reader." He continued. "Thank you." Diana told him. He turned to me. "I'm hardly likely to forget you now, after that." He said while turning his head to where the book fell from. "I didn't think that witches were allowed to show their magic in public?" - "I didn't mean for that to happen." - "Not in control of yourself?" - "I'm perfectly in control, thank you." "If you'll excuse me, Prof. Clairmont, I have to get back to my work." Diana said, then left, me going after her. When we got back to our table, I looked back to see that Matthew was gone.

Violet's Pof

*Time skip to Brown's Café*

"Stalkerrrr..." Violet told Diana who was searching about Matthew.

"Oh, shut up." Diana said to her.

"Do you really think you're going to even find anything?" Violet asked her sister.

"I don't know, but it's worth a try."

Before Violet was able to ask her "What are you even hoping to find?", she saw Matthew come in the Café. Diana didn't see him, since she was with the back to the door into the Café, so she continued her searching about Matthew.

"Anything of interest?" He asked, takind Diana aback.

"You're following us." Diana said to him

"We work in the same place, it's hardly strange our paths should cross again?"

"You knew who I was yesterday."

Violet was just staring at Matthew (A/N non-weird way), without saying anything.

"I call that a Professional Hazard. Your photograph's on the back of all your books."

"I checked in with the staff at the Bod. You were in and out of it in 5 minutes max. You were looking for me, not because you enjoyed my thesis on Robert Boyle. What do you want, Professor Clairmont?"

"That's a fair question." He said, going to sit in the chair next to Violet. "You called up an Ashmole manuscript, earlier this week, and something hapened, something that disturbed you. Was it Ashmole 782? I'm assumig you used magic to retrieve it."

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