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Long story short of what happened last chapter:

Matthew's craving Violet.

Violet and Diana met Peter Knox.

Violet found out why Ashmole 782 is so important.


*With Violet and Diana*

Violet's Pov

Diana dragged me to one of her Dean's boringgg parties.

Apparently she could bring me there, even if I didn't work there...

"Dr. Bishop!" Said an old guy to Diana.

"Good evening, Professor Marsh." She told him.


"Thank you."

For some reason, he was ignoring me, not that I cared.

"I understand you gave an excellent talk and that you are writing it up?"

"Yes, yes, I am indeed."

"Well I look forward to reading it.We need to add you on that shortlist."

"Well, thank you."

"Now, there's someone I would really like you to meet. He has a very interesting specialization. The Occult Sciences."

Me, following behind, we got to be faced with non-other that Peter Knox.

"Alchemy. It's quite a subject, especially for someone who says she lacks interest in magic." He said, looking at me.

"I don't just lack interest, I lack aptitude." I told him.

"Are you sure? The book came out for you and no-one else."

"I told you, I don't know how that happened."

(Diana knows about what happened with Violet and and Knox at the Café, and what Em told Violet about him.)

"But you didn't tell me a vampire's been following you."

"How do you know that?"

"It would be catastrophic if it falls into their hands. Can't you see the danger you're in?"

"I can take care of myself."

"Laudable, but naïve. The fact that vampires are now involved makes this so much urgent."

"I'm not going to call it up for you."


"Because I don't happen to like the idea of un-creating other species."

"They would do the exact same to us if they could."

"Like my mother, Mr. Knox, if I've made up my mind, don't change it."

And I left, with my sister behind me.

"I didn't know he'd be here. If I knew, I wouldn't have made you come here..." She told me.

"It's ok."

"Violet." I heard Knox's voice in my head, that made stop walking, and turn around to see him still looking at me. "Think about what you're doing. You must be true to your blood, your heritage. Don't make me force you to recall that book. Violet!"

I continued walking.

"Don't walk away!"

Diana, I think she had some questions to ask me, but I think she kept them to ask me for after we left.

When we got out, I heard him again.

"You can't escape that easily."

I turned to see him looking at me throught a window.

A Discovery of Witches ~ [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now