╻ ♚ ╻ Andrei Lukas Vargas ╻ ♚ ╻

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**❝It hurts to breathe. It hurts to live. I hate her, yet I do not think I can exist without her. ❞**

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FULL NAME | Andrei Lukas Vargas

ALIAS | The Warden

AGE | 32



SEXUALITY | Bisexual

OCCUPATION | He is the warden to the Vhis Sol Prison, a prison that everyone across the lands knows to be the worst. He is not just the warden of the prison though, for he also torments the prisoners in order to get information out of them that will benefit his kingdom.

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GENERAL APPEARANCE | Andrei always has a cold expression on his handsome face. He has tanned skin littered in scars that he doesn't seem to ever care about. He has grey eyes the color of a stormy sky, and the chill of a stormy night. He has long brown hair that he wears in a half updo man bun. He has a brown mustache and beard that he ties back in thin elastic straps. He has a rather large nose and a strong jawline, yet he always looks serious.

GENERAL ATTIRE | As the Warden of Vhis Sol Prison, and tormentor he wears black as to not have his clothes stained. He can often be found with rings on his fingers that are often covered in blood. He does not wear armor since he does not believe that he needs it, instead, he wears casual black slacks with far too many weapons hidden beneath his cloak and clothes for anyone to count.

GENERAL PERSONALITY | Andrei is a cold hearted killer. He will hurt anyone that gets in his way, and will do whatever it takes to get the information that he needs. He appears to not have any emotions since he has locked away the ability to feel anything. It was something he needed to do in order to rise to the ranks and to do his job well. He was once loved, but ever since a horrible tragedy, he vowed to never feel again, and has yet to do so.

FEAR OR PHOBIA | Andrei believes that emotions are everyone's weakness. He has detached himself from feeling anything so as to never be hurt again. He believes that those he torments are stupid, for they all still have loved ones that give them false hope. Hope, that he always successfully beats out of them.

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BACKSTORY | Andrei used to be a man that wore his heart on his sleeves. He had grown up in a small village, and had married his best friend and the love of his life. The two of them  even had three wonderful children together. Life couldn't be any better for Andrei. He had everything that he had ever dreamed of having.

Everything had been perfect.

Until one evening when his small village was raided by the enemies, the homes had been burned to the ground, everyone had been slaughtered.

With far too many bleeding wounds, Andrei had woken up from the attack although he wished that he hadn't for everything he had ever known had been destroyed. His friends had been murdered.

He had searched feverishly for his family, and had found his two sons dead, their small buddies huddled against each other with a sword protruding from both of their heads.

Andrei then found his youngest, his little girl. Her limbs had been ripped from their sockets yet the poor girl was still breathing. He had to perform the unimaginable, and took her out of her misery. He found his wife's body not long after and buried his whole family, aching from his wounds.

He had buried a part of himself that day too.

He had managed to find someone who trained him in combat, and the man had risen in his ranks and became the kingdom's worst prison warden.

GOALS OR AMBITIONS | Andrei's only goal now is to complete his work. If he can, he will find the bastards that murdered his family and hurt their families just as they had done to his.

POWERS AND ABILITIES | Andrei does not have any powers or abilities.

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You have been captured by your kingdom's enemy, after fighting in a battle and losing. You are taken to Vhis Sol Prison, dreading what it will bring for you. Yet you are prepared, you have been warned that this might be your fate and you plan on surviving through it. Andrei comes to your cell after what feels like days, and you see right through his tortured soul. Little does he know that when he lands the first blow on you, you break down his wall. You remind him of happier times, take him back to when he was once happy and rich in life.

But He is not prepared and steps away from you.

"You witch! What did you do to me?" Andrei asks you, as tears roll down his cheeks and he has fallen to his knees.


You're OC must be able to control some form of magic that enables others to seemingly go back in time.


Make one up.

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