╻ ♚ ╻ Cyra Grace Stone ╻ ♚ ╻

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**❝ It's calm under the waves in the blue of my❞**

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**❝ It's calm under the waves in the blue of my❞**

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FULL NAME | Cyra Grace Stone


AGE | 19


GENDER | Female

SEXUALITY | Bisexual

OCCUPATION | Bartender/gang member

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GENERAL APPEARANCE | Cyra is a tall young woman, standing at just about 5'8 with long limbs and a skinny build with barely any curves. She has fiery red hair that goes past her hips if she wears her hair down, although she usually wears her red waves in a ponytail. She has red eyes to match her vivid hair, although she can usually be found wearing brown eye contacts. She prefers to hide in crowds rather than be the center of attention, to observe instead of live the action yet with hair as naturally bright as hers some may get the wrong impression of her. She is easy to spot in a crowd since no one else has hair quite as alive as hers, which is something she despises. She has tried to dye her hair in the past, yet it never seemed to work because her natural color always seemed to glow through.

GENERAL PERSONALITY | Cyra is a free spirit who leans more on the introverted side. The girl prefers the outdoors rather than staying inside. Above all else, she loves the ocean. She finds it's cool waves are intoxicatingly intriguing, full of secrets that are just slightly beyond her reach and begging to be learned. She enjoys peacefulness and quiet although it is rather rare. The girl adores building whether that's with electronic circuits or ingredients for food, she loves that she can create something completely different than to what that something started out from. Cyra is extremely smart, always finding herself building computers or a new piece of technology that she believes can be useful for later use. She is rather calm, yet awfully sarcastic and witty. Those who mess with her come out of it with a hurt ego.

FEAR OR PHOBIA | Cyra's biggest phobia is also one of her biggest strengths. The girl can control fire, and that ability terrifies her for fire is destructive in its nature. She prefers to build something from nothing rather than to destroy it. Yet, she is a terrible pyromaniac. She enjoys the warmth and light fire emits, how comforting and alive it is yet terrified of its destructive nature.

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BACKSTORY | Cyra knows she had a loving family although she barely remembers them for they died in a great fire when she was rather little. She was the only survivor and thrust into foster care. However, she has never stayed in one home for long. She clings onto her memories of her parents, but with every year those memories grow foggier, and she feels as if she is just a hungry child reaching for an apple that is too far from her reach. Cyra has always known of her abilities and believes that she killed her parents, even though she has no recollections of that dreadful night. Yet she keeps her powers a secret from everyone, afraid of what the government would do if they get a hold of her. Once Cyra outgrew the system, shs was forced into the streets with barely any money or belongings. On her own, she was kidnapped by a powerful gang who had somehow caught onto her secret. They made an agreement with her that they would provide her with whatever she wished as long as she was at their disposal. Afraid of the consequences that would occur if she refused, she accepted their conditions and now works for them.

GOALS OR AMBITIONS | Cyra wants nothing more than to live a peaceful life. She would love to live on a beach, with as many strange trinkets that she could meddle with when she chooses. However, she knows the reality of her situation and that that will never happen. She wants to free herself from the gang, feeling as if she is more of a glorified prisoner to them rather than a reliable asset. She would also like to learn where she got her abilities from and why, as well as to learn what exactly happened to her parents that dreadful night.

POWERS AND ABILITIES | Cyra has the ability to control fire, although she can only control small flames. The largest she can control is a flame as big as her and if the fire reaches 20 ft away from her then it is too far from her reach to control. She doesn't like her ability because although it gives her light and warmth, it is also extremely destructive. She is immune to fire, she can walk right through fire however she cannot stay in it for long or else she will burn. She prefers not to use her abilities since fire is easy to lose control of.

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You search for a bar to get a load off and relax after a long and tiresome day. You need this. You deserve this. As you walk the busy streets full of youthful faces all searching for a good time and older folk heading home for the night, you stumble across a dimly lit bar with a vibrant neon sign of a fedora. It piques your interest and you decide to head inside. You sit by the bar and are greeted by Cyra, you...
Must be apart of an opposing gang

**SCENARIO 2|** Make up your own...

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