╻ ♚ ╻ Theron Allard Eiran ╻ ♚ ╻

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**❝Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop

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**❝Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.❞**

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FULL NAME | Theron Allard Eiran

ALIAS/TITLE | Commander Eiran

AGE | 25



SEXUALITY | Bisexual

OCCUPATION | First in command of His Royal Highness's army. The man holds a high position amongst the kingdom as he is good friends with the King and commands the army, full of countless men and women.

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GENERAL APPEARANCE | Theron stands at 6'4 with a tanned complexion. He has hard, sculptured features with a narrow nose. He has rich brown hair and a shade of warmth that no matter what he tries to do with it, it always stays spikey. He has silver pools for eyes that contrast greatly with the rest of his natural warmth. He has a muscular build, sun kissed from training outdoors for years. He looks rather intimidating, yet when he smiles all of his features soften. Instead of looking like the commander of armies, the man looks younger and full of hopes and dreams.

GENERAL PERSONALITY | Theron is fiercely loyal to the crown and will do anything for the present day king. However, as some may see this blind loyalty as a sign of weakness, Theron believes that it is a powerful trait. His loyalty has only given him opportunity upon opportunity. He is capable of strong love, mostly for his daughter. Theron is passionate for what he believes in. Others believe that he is too emotional for a commander, yet Theron is also calculating and cool headed. He will not let anything get in the way of his goals. He will not hesitate to kill for those who the king seems unnecessary. Theron seems cold and judgemental upon first introductions, but once someone gets to know Theron, he is a gentle soul who will protect what he most cares about.

FEAR OR PHOBIA | Theron fears the loss of his loved ones the most. He will do anything, even sacrificing his own life before he sees someone he loves hurt. He fears being seen as weak, since he is quite the contrary for he has trained in combat since he was a young boy.

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BACKSTORY | As the son of a nobleman, Theron grew up destined for greatness. His father had been great friends with the then king, which permitted Theron to grow up with the current king. Training alongside the other man, the two of them became great friends, practically brothers even. Theron has always been by the Crowned Prince's side, even if they had their quarrels. Theron's loyalty towards the other man never wavered and never will. Once the Crowned Prince had learned of his father's demise, Theron was there to comfort the young man. They were only teenagers then. As they grew older, the King wanted revenge and Theron obliged. He traveled with a small army, camping for days. However, Theron had met a strange woman during this time when they camped in a forest. Overtaken by her beauty and mystery, Theron had relations with this practically mystical woman. He does not know anything about this woman and had practically forgotten about her the next day, reasoning that this woman was just another concubine hired to offer the knights some stress relief. However, two years later a little bundled up baby was left at Theron's door. The only clue that the baby had with her was a simple letter, written in a shimmery red that smelled slightly coppery were the words "she's yours." After that, Theron took the infant girl into his home and took care of her. Four years later, she is the daughter he never knew he wanted. He loves her dearly, and will protect her from anything, or anyone. Although she is still a mystery to him, especially who, or what, her mother is, he does not let his curiosities bother him since he believes his daughter is an angel.

GOALS OR AMBITIONS | Theron will protect the king at all costs. His goals and ambitions may Ha hatever the king has instore for him. Theron only wants the best for the kingdom, however he would prefer to save as many innocent lives if he could. Even his own men. It pains him every time one is killed in battle although he knows that there is a time and place for revealing his emotions and he will not let the general public know how sensitive he really is. Another goal that Theron has is that he only wants the best for his daughter. He believes that she is special, and not just because she is his daughter. He will protect her from harm's way although he can be a bit too overprotective of her but he only means well. Theron's goals lie within the kingdom and his own little family.

POWERS AND ABILITIES | Theron is purely human and does not possess any magical abilities, however he has been training in combat since he was in diapers. He is extremely skilled with any weapons he lays his hands on but he prefers a sword over anything else.

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As the king of a large and powerful kingdom, you are pressured to marry someone to create an alliance yet there has always been one man that you want to marry. Your childhood best friend Theron. However, you believe that Theron would never be interested in you for you have only showed interest in women, yet you know that you would not want to end up with a woman. Afraid of what the rest of your kingdom would think not you, you have stayed single until your adviser decided that that cannot go on any longer. He has arranged for you to marry another childhood friend from another kingdom, yet you do not want her. You only want Theron even if he already has a child. Luckily for you, a war has broken out that demands your attention. You decide to fight for your kingdom alongside Theron. The two of you sit in your tent, talking and eating and enjoying each other's attention. Do you finally admit how you feel?
Must be the king
Closeted attracted to men
**MALE OC |**

You are the woman who had slept with Theron all those years ago. He is away from his home, traveling yet again with an army of men. You cannot stay away from him any longer, or your daughter for you and your daughter are in great danger. You feel the need to warn Theron, and pray that he will protect you. You see him practicing in a vast open area of the forest. You...
Must have powerful magic
Must be alone
Must be Theron's daughter's mother

Make up your own...

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