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"once you have tasted the taste of the sky, you will forever look up."

05 | LUST

April, 1865

It had been two months.

Two whole months in which everyday, Kol Mikaelson would tell himself that this would be the day that he finally found her; two whole months in which everyday, he was disappointed yet again.

He scoured the city ten times over searching for her, wondering why he was so obsessed, but then immediately knowing that it was all because of the game. It was all the challenge that brought him in, not to mention the first impression that she had left with him in the streets of New Orleans. Even his family was confused as to why he never seemed to be at their home anymore—though with everything staying quiet and not too many deaths, they didn't question him much on it. As long as he was laying low like the rest of them, there was no reason to reprimand him too much.

But at this point he was beyond frustrated, and he was a fraction away from killing the next human that irked him in any way. He asked witches to perform locator spells of some sort, but he had nothing of the girl's to give, and he knew magic enough to know that it would not be helpful in his current predicament. He even tried to find her in the wolves' territory—despite the danger—just to see if she was even real. Perhaps the whole thing had been a dream, and he is merely delusional about this maddening game now going on between them. He wanted to believe that she had been real, and that he wasn't going crazier than he already was.

But, like before, there wasn't even a trace of her.

Kol stomped into the Abattoir, his frown creasing his features while he huffed in frustration and annoyance. Elijah looked up, amused, from his spot on the couch, drinking a small glass of wine.

"Why so melancholy, brother?" Elijah asked, half-interested in what Kol had to say. The Original vampire in question threw his hands into the air before plopping down on the sofa across from his older brother, shaking his head. The suited Original smirked, connecting in his mind what had Kol wound so tightly. "A failed attempt to find this mysterious girl you keep going on about?" He guessed, and Kol glared at him.

"It's been two months and I haven't even gotten close," Kol explained, shaking his head in confusion. "I've searched up and down this city a hundred times over and nothing. It's like she just vanished off the face of the earth."

"Or, perhaps, you simply made the whole thing up," a voice suggested from the stairs, and Kol rolled his eyes at Rebekah's sudden presence.

He gestured for his sister to continue with his hand. "Go on sister," he encouraged, leaning back on the sofa. "Berate me about creating the woman in my mind once again. It's not like you haven't reminded me of your theory a thousand times before."

The blonde woman shrugged, coming to stand between her two seated brothers. A smirk played on her red lips. "I'm just telling you the truth, dear brother," she responded, shaking her head. "She sounds made-up to me."

Kol glared harshly at her. "She's real," he assured stubbornly. He was about to open his mouth to say more when a new voice joined their small group.

"Really Kol, I expected more from you," Klaus piped up as he entered the courtyard with a smirk on his face. He gestured to his younger brother and Kol shifted his glare from Rebekah to his ever-infuriating half brother. "You're always bragging about your charm, and yet, when this seemingly perfect girl falls into your lap, you can't even hold on to her."

Kol stood up quickly, prepared to fight as his anger grew tenfold. He didn't need any of their opinions on the situation, but a small part in the back of his head reminded him that some of their words spoke the truth. He was at a lost on what to do next, seeing as the girl hadn't been spotted since their last meeting and he had no clue where she could be hiding out. He didn't even know her name for crying out loud, and he was quite literally trying—and failing—to follow a crumbled mess of breadcrumbs to the answers he wanted. It wouldn't surprise him if it took even longer to find a singular clue to lead him in the right direction. It was obvious to him now that the vampire woman was excellent at hiding when she wanted to. If Kol wasn't so proud and stubborn, he might've asked Nik to help him look for her—seeing as his brother was excellent at searching people down till the ends of the earth. However, he knew Klaus would only ask for something in return, and Kol wasn't on good enough terms with him to actually agree with any of his double-edged-sword conditions.

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