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"i touched the sky, and i swallowed the stars."


December, 1865

It had been nearly six months since Charlotte's first date with Kol Mikaelson, and the months after that fateful night were a whirlwind of emotions and feeling. She'd somehow kept most of her secrets to herself whilst still sharing a few of them with Kol whenever he asked; she didn't find it difficult to be truthful with him, but sometimes, she actually had to stop herself from saying things she'd rather keep buried. She had started to care for Kol—she wasn't naive enough to think that she could ignore her own heart—but she was still hesitant to give him a peek at her truth. Giving her heart was one thing, but giving her soul was another, and she wasn't quite ready to do that just yet.

Despite this, she and Kol were on good terms—so much so that she was actually getting to know his family a lot more too. Rebekah was her favorite, and it was obvious that the blonde Mikaelson girl needed a friend to confide in. Charlotte was that person for her, and she felt honored that Rebekah had slowly become her best friend; she never thought she'd see the day where she was dating an Original and talking about gossip with his sister. Her life had changed drastically in New Orleans, but she found herself enjoying it thoroughly.

Elijah was kind—albeit a bit too proper and uptight for her tastes—and he often times talked to her about literature and the world. After the incident where she sent Kol Mikaelson a clue as to where she was hiding out through a poem, Elijah knew that she was an avid student of the arts, and he complimented her intelligence on more than one occasion. It made her feel proud to obtain his approval, especially when the man was constantly berating his younger siblings for their actions and behavior.

Niklaus was as suspicious of her as ever, but he didn't seem to mind her presence around the Abattoir. He seemed to realize that she was genuine with her words, and she never gave him a reason to suspect her of doing something ill-willed against him or his family. He regarded her with his normal paranoia, but there were even times where she could talk to him too. Underneath all of the cold and ruthless persona was a man just as charming as Kol and just as observant as Elijah. He was complex, and often times mean just for the sake of it, but Charlotte found herself tolerating the Original. He never told her how or why he knew Katherine Pierce, but she never really asked him about it either. She knew when to stay silent around the temperamental man, and he seemed somewhat appreciative of her decision to keep out of his business.

And then there was Marcellus, the slave boy that Klaus had taken in as his own. He was a sweet kid, with bright smiles and a gratefulness following him around everywhere he went. He looked up to Klaus the most, but he also spent a lot of time with Elijah during his studies. Rebekah only spent time with the boy whenever he came up to her and asked questions, but Charlotte could tell that the blonde thought Marcel was just as sweet as the rest perceived him to be. He was also quite funny when he wanted to be, and the Salvatore girl found herself laughing in his presence many times.

Kol didn't seem to enjoy the boy though, and usually regarded Marcel with disgust or annoyance. She wasn't sure why he wasn't civil with the boy, but she chalked it up to the way his eyes always narrowed when the boy made her smile or took her attention away from him for too long. She'd realized over the past few months that Kol was a possessive man, and for some reason, he saw Marcel as a threat—not just to Charlotte, but also to his place in the Mikaelson family. Charlotte was often pulling him away before he could make good on the threats he spewed toward Marcel, and she was more than a little surprised by the awe on the other Mikaelsons' faces when she did.

They told her that they'd never seen someone handle Kol the way she did. He was never able to be controlled before, and yet, with a simple brush of her hand on his arm or a short, pacifying phrase, he was doing everything she asked of him. The siblings were flabbergasted, and it seemed to give her even more points in their books.

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