chapter 3 - the dinner

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I was the last to walk in and then my heart dropped as soon as the door closed behind me and it wasn't because of the door.


There he was sitting on a stool at the center island drinking a white claw talking to his dad. It had just hit me his birthday was just a few days ago. I felt as if my cheeks were getting red but my cheeks really never get red. It still felt as if they were though.

He was wearing grey sweatpants, a white shirt and a red flannel over that. For a quick second I thought how in the hell could he wear that right now in 92° weather but then again he's lived here all his life so he's probably used to the heat.

My mom runs over giving Annika and Clay a hug and immediately making a conversation as me and my sister are still taking our shoes off.

I take quite a while because I really don't want to ruin my new Air Forces so I carefully untie them and put the laces in the shoes tucking them under their entryway bench.

I start to walk towards the kitchen when I hear my phone going crazy. It's Oliviana spamming me again.


I ignore her messages and keep walking.

I walk into the kitchen still nervous as ever getting to the center island getting caught off guard by Clay's dad talking to me.

"Hi Alyssa how are you how have you been! How was Minnesota."

"It was good. It was freezing at first but I quickly adjusted to the cold. It's nice though having different seasons. Like going ice skating on lakes in the winter or watching the sun rise at 4 am in the summer. It really let me live my life like every day was the last."

"Maybe we should move there then it seems like fun aha."

Annika snaps at her dad with a sharp no refusing to move. She never wants to move ever. Clay giggles and we make eye contact we smile at each other from Annika but then quickly look away.

That was awkward

"So Alyssa what do you drink we have Bud Light, Coronas, White Claws-"

I interrupted Clay's dad with "I'm not 21 yet and I don't drink."

His dad nods his head with an ah and closes the fridge. Clay raises an eyebrow. He's surprised I refused. I know my worth and what I want. I only had to wait a few more months.

I was blessed to be born on December 31st. I said to myself in my head with annoyance. And to be even luckier I was born at 11:58. I know some people don't even believe me when I first say it.

They set up the dinner table and we all take a seat. His dad sitting at the head and his sister on the other. I sit next to my sister as Clay sits across from me next to his mom. And my mom sat next to my sister.

They had casserole which was so dumb because my mom knows I don't like casserole. I'm a very picky eater.

"Oh I almost forgot Alyssa I have something special for you," his mom said bringing out a plate of buttered pasta with parsley and Parmesan.

I was blessed. His mom knew this was my favorite. Especially when she makes it. She adds something and she said she will never ever tell me what.

I got all excited saying YES kind of loud but I got a giggle out of Clay.

His mom explained we needed some music and at the same time Clay and I both shouted "I got it"

We both were silent for a minute until his mom let me since I was the guest

"Thank you Jess plus all boys listen to these days are rap"

"Okay hey Alec Benjamin is not rap"

I was surprised by his taste. It seemed pretty good. The awkward tension is gone. It felt like we were friends again. Like we had never been split apart. I played my sun rising type shit playlist again keep my phone under my thigh in case I wanted to skip the song.

Lover - Taylor Swift

"I love this song" I say. The song goes by and drivers license comes up. I skip it faster then turning off my phone when my mom sits next to me.

After a bit we finish up and bring the dishes to the sink. Clay and my sister get along as they wash dishes together. They laugh and she even gets a wheeze out of him.

His mom suggested a house tour even though I know this place like the back of my hand.

"Jess I have a photographic memory you know."

She was shocked. I guess my mother never told her this. My mom explained how I was diagnosed when I was around 8 or 9. Though Clay still took me and my sister around the house.

He took us down the hall from the kitchen. To the right was the garage door and the door after that was too their family office. Across from there was his sisters play room that was basically a gaming room now. In the middle of the rooms at the end of the hall was a door to the basement.

We got to the basement where they had pool and a couch and another tv. He had movie posters there as well as a workout room and a bathroom. He took us back up stairs and across from the garage was the master bedroom. After that he walked us up stairs.

Annikas room was to the right and two guest bedrooms were on the left across from the guest bedroom closest to the end of the hall was Clays room there he had a gaming set up. Next to his room was the bathroom that was connect the two rooms and to the hall.

I talk to him about his gaming pc making a joke about when we were kids.

"You still play geometry dash on that thing" a small laugh comes out of me.

"Nah I mainly stream and play minecraft." That word


It rung in my head. I look at my phone again and see Oliviana's texts from earlier I never read


My eyes widen and I slowly drop my phone.

"Clay do you make YouTube videos too?" I question him and he knows I'm into him

"Yea" he says nervously

"Oh my god" I say with no words
I had just met my best friends idol. I was friends with him. He was my best friend.

"My friend is obsessed with you. You're Dream right"


I think in my head and respond yes to her question. I love my fans but her friend is not the one I wish was obsessed with me. I brush it off and show her my PC and Minecraft and everything. I told her I streamed not too long ago.

She agreed to keep it a secret and we walked back downstairs. Though I wanted to talk with her more I guess I could since we were now neighbors again


We got back downstairs and everyone was there. Clays mom putting a spoonful of ice cream in clear glass bowls.

"Clays dad got the bonfire started if you kiddos want to head out there. Clay sweetie if you could grab the chocolate and marshmallows and graham crackers please."

The items were in the highest shelf which he easily could get to. I didn't realize he was so tall. He was hot to. I watched as he reached in his tippy toes and his shirt lifting up for a quick second. He had abs. Rock hard 6 pack. As he finally grabs everything and goes back to bare feet I look away.

"You can go outside I'll be there in a second" he says

I agreed and walked outside.

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