chapter 12 - looking for a job

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I woke up the next morning on my bed with the clothes I wore last night and something on top of me. My hair once again flopped over my face. I moved my hair and sat up in my bed wondering how the hell I got here.

The last thing I remember is laying on Clay's stomach and...

"Oh Shit," I said hitting my head in embarrassment.

I had fallen asleep on Clay by accident. How stupid could I be. The bad thoughts went away when I thought that it was sweet of Clay to bring me to my room. I had just realized the hoodie on top of me as well. The navy blue one he wore yesterday.

"Oh shit shit shit."

I looked at my phone checking the time. It was 10:30. I was screwed I had an interview over the phone for a writing job in 15 minutes. I fixed myself up even though they wouldn't be able to see me and got my notes together. I went into the office locking the doors and closing the blinds waiting to call and then I heard something.

Clay was over.

I didn't know what to do. I forgot to tell him about my interview. They called me and I had no choice but to pick up. I was listening to the people over the phone as well as listening to my mom start talking to Clay.

"Oh yea she has an interview for a writing job but you can head upstairs or stay down here. Whatever you want. We just got groceries so there is food stocked up and Alyssa's room might be messy so if you go up don't be surprised." My mom said to Clay.

I let out a sigh and started to pay attention to my meeting.


I went over to Alyssa's the next morning wanting to check up on her but her mom got to me first. She explained to me Alyssa had an interview for a writing job. I thought she wanted to be a teacher but I've known that she's always liked writing.

I just decided to go to her room and wait for her. I walked upstairs expecting to see a messy room from what her mom said but when I walked in the room looked spotless. It was perfect. Her jewelry tree was perfect, her bed was made, her fairy lights were on, and her candle made her room smell amazing.

Since she wasn't in here I decided to take a look at where my hoodie was. I couldn't find it for a bit so I expected she was wearing it but there was one place I didn't check.

Her closet.

That's when it hit me that she probably just shoved all her junk in her closet and closed the door. I opened the door and to my surprise, it was also spotless. There it was. Her clothes hanging in her closet were split right in the middle and there my hoodie was. On a hanger perfectly nice. I had some good inner thoughts before closing the door and hopping on her bed and watching TikTok.

About 10 minutes later I heard her talking to her mom so I assumed she was done with her meeting.


That meeting felt like forever but I got through it and I have a good feeling I might be getting a job soon. I was talking to my mom before heading up to my room where I knew Clay was.

I finished talking to my mom picking up Polo and walking up to my room. There he was sitting on his phone watching TikTok. I said hi to him before grabbing clothes and heading into the bathroom.

"What the hell are you showering?" Clay said super confused.

"Yea," I shouted through the door.

I took about a 20-minute shower before getting out. After I got out I realized I messed up. I forgot a towel. I texted Clay because I didn't want to ask it in person.

Can you go downstairs and grab the fresh white towels from the dryer. I forgot to grab them last night and I thought I had one more.

I was so embarrassed. I heard him leave so I assumed he followed through. About 2 minutes later I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"I left them at the door," He said.

I quickly slide open my bathroom door hiding on the slide of the wall grabbing them and shutting the door again. I never get red and my cheeks were bright. I was so embarrassed. I changed into my outfit and blow-dried my hair before coming out.

Today I wore a white long sleeve shirt with blue overalls over that. I walked out and there he was facing towards the window sprawled out on my bed watching TikTok. I said thank you still embarrassed and he said it wasn't a big deal.

I told him I wanted to have a chill day since it was cooler outside. I grabbed the picnic blanket and we both went into my backyard each reading a book. By this point, we both probably had forgotten what happened earlier today.

Today I decided to not read a poetry book. Instead, I decided to read

Tell Me Three Things

while Clay was reading

The Perks of Being A Wallflower

I laid on his legs and about 30 minutes into reading his mom came outside with homemade lemonade and snacks. Clay could tell I was excited because I haven't had his mom's homemade lemonade in forever.

She let us be and he poured me a glass. She also made us brownies. We ate the food and drank the lemonade as we continued to read.

The wind started to blow and my hair went crazy. We both looking at each other and smiled. The wind died down and soon enough 1 pm turned into 4 pm. We had another family dinner and they left around 10.

I was just reading in my bed with my fairy lights being the only thing allowing me to read. I was reading for longer than I thought. I got in bed and started reading around 11 and it was 1 am the next time I checked.

Then I heard my phone was Clay.

Are you up?

Yea? I texted back kind of confused.

Do you wanna do something fun tonight?

I mean I'm down

I'm going to drive you somewhere meet me outside in 10 minutes.

It didn't even hit me till now I was going out and I only had 10 minutes to get ready. I grabbed Clay's hoodie that I hung up in my closet earlier today and slipped it on and switched into black spandex.

After I put on my cherry flavored Carmex and lipgloss on that. I curled my eyelashes but didn't put on any mascara soon. I ran downstairs as quietly as possible grabbing one of the blankets we used when we went to Lake Becka and putting it in my bag as well as the glow sticks we bought yesterday.

I went out my back door sneaking to the front and there he was waiting in his car for me holding up the AUX cord.

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