Chapter One

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Tapping my foot, twirling my long, curly auburn hair, imagining about what summer of 1964 was going to consist of. Will this be the summer that I find myself involved in some cheesy love fantasy? Or will this be the summer that I decide college isn't for me? Maybe I'll find the cure to cancer. The sound of the tapping, allowing my mind to accumulate more distracting thoughts. In the distance I hear the faint sound of the school bell ringing. Notifying everyone, that the last day of school was over. At least for the next 3 months.

A typical summer break for me meant studying to get into Harvard. Harvard is a big dream that I have shared with my Dad since my adolescent years. My Dad, a Harvard Alumni, lawyer of 17 years. He's the best in the business, and following in his foot steps would be such a huge accomplishment, at least for him it would be. Trying to impress him was almost impossible, and trying to exceed his expectations were my main objective. Undeniably my Dad was the most tyrannical, and gruff man. Almost as if he has no emotions, I can see through him. Portrayed as just a shell of a man, I've seen this man love, with everything he has in him, and I've seen this man do whatever it takes to provide for my mother and I.

"Audrey" with fingers snapping, close enough to break my reverie.

"Audrey, hellooooo" as Maggie was waving her hands in front of my big green eyes. "Anyone there??"

I roll my eyes as a slight way to respond, feeling my long eyelashes barely graze my eyebrows, "sorry, I was daydreaming.." 

"Ugh you think to much. It's senior year and I'll be damn if I'm going to sit back and watch you waste it away. I mean look at you. With that killer body, you would be out of your right mind to stay shacked up all summer." Maggie made sure to say with sass, rolling her head from one shoulder to the other with as much aggression feasible.

"Come with me and Abraham tonight!" Abraham is Maggie's boyfriend, the high-school quarterback, tall, dark, and handsome.

I laugh as I shake my head with uncertainty, putting my textbook in my bag. "Audrey, come on, a double date would be so much fun!!" Maggie exclaimed loudly as I walked through the school hall.

"Double date you say," I followed with "if you can find me someone worth my while, I'll take you up on this offer."

I wasn't looking for a companion. I like being eye candy, and being seventeen years old, with as farfetched of a future as I had, a boy was absolutely not the kind of distraction I needed.

Maggie smirked "ouuu, Audrey I promise you won't regret it!" She jumped up and down, clapping her hands, with her long brown mane hitting her shoulders swiftly, with every motion that she took.

"His name is Hamilton Johnson, from Blue Ridge, he is Abraham's cousin. He is so your type!" She said with absolute certainty.

"So my type, you say?" I giggled, "and what exactly is my type?"

She mocked me with an overly exaggerated, half-witted impression "and what exact-" as she cut herself off, "don't act like you don't already know."

"Uhhh" I sat there with a slight leer on my face.

"You are so naive!" She placed her hand on her forehead, as if she was disappointed in me.

I sat there restive, as I waited for her to tell me more about this "Hamilton" guy.

"He's tall, has blonde hair, hazel eyes, dark eyebrows, ohhh and not to mention", she paused and winked at me, "he's everything you love in James Dean, including the muscles" she giggled.

"Damn, am I really that transparent", I questioned my inner dialogue. I mean James Dean has only been the apple of my eye since the first time I've watched "Rebel Without a Cause."

I was starting to feel exhilaration, as each minute inches closer to meeting Hamilton. I hadn't been on a date with a stranger in my life. But I couldn't let Maggie know this. We were the popular girls at school, and out of all of the guys in school that I have reportedly been on dates with, none of them were veracious. How humiliating would it be, to have been able get "any guy at the school" yet never had actually been on a real date before.

"What are we waiting on, let's go get dressed!" Hollered Maggie, with genuine excitement. Interlocking both of our frail, thin arms, we walked towards our bikes, bumping into each other like two intoxicated women, with eager laughter that radiated for miles.

Maggie, as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. Wanting so badly for me experience the same love that she does. Both of her parent still in matrimony, setting the perfect example for her. I longed to have the same love as she. In attempt to win my fathers love, Harvard devours all of my love.

After nearly two hours of negotiation, we finally agreed that the carnival would be the best place for this so called "double date". I slip into my white, mid-thigh shorts, and pale yellow, sleeveless button up. I began to get giddier with each button that I secured through the hole. Placing my foot, on the mid sole of my mules, one by one, gliding each foot forward until my toes hit the cold pleather fabric. I pulled my thick, curly, auburn locks into a loose tasseled French twist.

"Woah," said Maggie, dressed in a multi-colored stripped shirt, layered with a hippie style overall skirt suit, and a white headband. "We are gunna knock their socks off!"

Flattered, I must admit.

Knock, knock, then the door bell rang twice! My dad, waiting by the front door , sure to be cleaning his rifle close enough for someone on the porch to notice, but far enough away to not be obvious.

"You be safe, and be home by 11:00!" Dad, mumbled in his gruff voice as he leaned in to kiss my forehead. Tilting his hat towards the two boys, cutting eyes so deep, you could be turned around backwards, blindfolded, and still feel the tension. I blew my dad a kiss, as I shut the door.


Hope you're ready for this adventure of a story! 

Feel free to comment as you read letting me know how you're liking the story!(:

I imagine, Audrey is very much similar to the appearance of Madelaine Petsch, who do you think? 

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