Chapter Three

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I fall back onto my bed, as if the world was cradling me like an infant. "Poof" the pillow let's out a breath of fresh air as my head hits.

 Reliving each moment that happened just hours ago, like a scene from a movie your mind just won't release. 

My body tingling from the euphoric state that I am in, the feeling of butterflies, no wait

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My body tingling from the euphoric state that I am in, the feeling of butterflies, no wait. More intense. The feeling of a dozen doves fluttering in my gut. I've never experienced this.

I can't fall in love, my heart is in a different place. 

The breeze begins to dance in my room, cooling off the hot month of may, that lingered all day long. Listening to the outdoor wind chimes, making it's on lullaby, trying to put me to sleep, as it pairs with the dancing wind.

 But I can't sleep. I roll over to my side, feeling my hot flushed cheeks. Is he thinking of me right now?

Creek, I hear as someone makes there way to my room up stairs.

"Honey, how was tonight?" My mom asked with curiosity. "I should've stayed home, and worked on my admissions essay." "Doll, you have months until that's due, what's the matter? Did you not have fun? I heard you and Maggie giggling. I assumed you had a good time. "

Okay she's on to me. My mother knows me better then any one I know. Hell, she knows me, better then I know myself.

"Mom, now just isn't the time to be devoting an abundance of my time to any other thing that may spark my interest. He was a good guy, and a bunch of fun. But he isn't going to get me into college, at least not the same one I so well deserve."

"Baby girl, life is passing you by, one day you're going to wake up and realize time doesn't stand still, and true love doesn't sit around and wait.

" She pushed my hair out my face, then slowly cupped my chin, "baby, you have to jump out the nest in order to learn you can fly. Momma, isn't always going to be here, and I need to know, that when The good Lords ready to take me, the desires of my daughters heart was filled."

My mother was terminally ill. She was diagnosed with Huntington's Disease back in 1960. This slow progressing disease will eventually result in my mother not being able to speak, involuntary body moments, and most likely dementia. She already has terrible coordination, which she claims to have had before the disease, and she fails to remember majority of our short term conversations. The day I loose my mother, I'll loose a piece of me.

"I just want to live everyday like it's my last", the ringing of these words, rock me to sleep. And I can't thank you enough for that, Hamilton.

"Girl, get up! Let's boot scoot and boogie our way to the mall," jumping up and down from my white bedroom linen.

"Maggie, five more minutes, PLEASE!" I begged with a groggy voice.

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