Chapter Two

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Maggie, hopped right in the front passenger seat of the Buick skylark, before lip locking Abraham, for what seemed like an hour.

"Let me catch the door for you," I hear from behind me. His voice is smooth, yet piercing, like a shot of Jim Beam.

"Oh, why thank you" I replied, trying not to blush, as I curtsey.

His hair greased up, dirty blonde in color, skin fair but with an olive complexion, I watched as he opened the door. A small slither of hair falls towards his eyebrows just before curling back up.

 "Oh, I'm forgetting to introduce myself, I am Hamilton Johnson" extending his hand forward inviting me to shake his

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"Oh, I'm forgetting to introduce myself, I am Hamilton Johnson" extending his hand forward inviting me to shake his.

Accepting his offer to greet me, "I am Audrey Harrison, now what are you going to do to try and impress me tonight? I'm giving you one shot at this. I'm expecting to win, some sort of stuffed animal." Trying to lighten the mood, as I cackled at myself, but remaining confident.

"I thought you were supposed to impress me, and win me something cool" he said lifting one eyebrow, and smirking.

Okay, he's definitely better looking then James Dean. How is this possible? Why had I not known about him sooner.

We arrived on scene of the biggest carnival Georgia has. Hamilton, rushes to the door to open it for me.

"Miss Audrey," he says as he swiftly moves his arm behind him, introducing me to the big Farris wheel, lights, food trucks, and games.

Maggie and Abraham, rush to get in line for the photo booth.

I stepped out of the car, humidity clings to my body, the smell of funnel cakes swarms the air, and the background music has me reminiscing my adolescent years.

"Let's see if I can impress you, miss Audrey," side smiling at me, "point at anything you want, and I'll be sure to get it for you!"

With no hesitation, I pointed at the food truck! Laughing, with his big beautiful smile, "that's it'd that's all it's gunna take?"

With no hesitation, I pointed at the food truck! Laughing, with his big beautiful smile, "that's it'd that's all it's gunna take?"

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I can't loose track, remember Harvard. "You don't need any distractions, Audrey!" I kept repeating to myself. But flirting with Hamilton comes easy. There's no harm in a little fun.

I look up, smiling, "well what else do you have up your sleeve?"

"Come with me" he takes my hand, pulling me towards the train tracks.

"Lay down." He says, demanding, yet sweet.

I follow his instructions. "Look at that, Big Dipper, and Little Dipper" he is sure to point out to me.

Then conversation started to get deeper. We chatted a while about how the stars can survive in the universe, and we can't. Yet neither could the stars survive here on earth.

He points to this one star, I couldn't tell them apart. But he knew which one was which.

"I believe that's my mom up, there. She was just too good for earth, and God wanted to give her more, so he gave her the universe."

I wiped my tear away from my blush filled cheeks. "I'm sorry to hear.."

"Every night, I look up, and when I see that star glisten it's conformation knowing my mom is looking down at me. Living everyday, to the fullest hoping to make her proud. One day, I'm going to be up there with her." He closes his eyes imagining the amazing view his Mom was granted.

Is that vibration I feel?

"Choo-choooo" I hear way to close for comfort. Moving as fast, Hamilton pulls me off the tracks as fast as possible. Laughing, and snorting from the adrenaline rush we received. He hugs me, and backs off knowing it's to soon.

"I want to live my life, like everyday is my last." I admired him as he spoke. "I want to feel the rush of life, with everything I do" he continued " I don't want to think about it. The consequences, you know? Like let's just let go, like the seeds of a dandelion on a breeze March morning."

"Are y'all insane?" Maggie was yelling from across the tracks.

Still belly laughing, I was tapping Hamilton on pocket of his white shirt, to the beat of every "ha-ha" that I took. Trying to absorb, every word, every detail that escaped Hamilton's mouth. Looking up to him, wondering how this burly masculine man, could think so deep, and circumstantial.

"Y'alls turn to try, whoever stays on longest wins" he said as he placed a cigarette between, his two plump, mauve colored, perfectly formed lips. I looked to him, "he's perfect" I thought.

"You're crazy! Have you lost your mind, you could have been killed?!" Maggie said loud in a "trying to be quiet, yet concerned" way.

Abraham walking behind her, trying to be unnoticed as he knuckle pounds Hamilton, for His bravery.

"I'm just trying to have fun" twirling around looking at the sky, then back to Maggie. "At Least I'm not cooped up in my room. This was your idea not mine."

She rolled her eyes, and interlocked arms with me "have fun, you deserve it, but try not to die-" and then louder she got "for Christ sake!"

"I'll take a hamburger, only ketchup," I gazed at him with admiration, "and the lady will have," he turned to me to order my food. "I'll take a hamburger dressed."

As soon as I said dressed, one of his eyebrows raised, and he made a face of disgust. And with no second thought, I leaned to him, and whispered to him, "it's okay your taste buds just haven't matured yet," we squealed with laughter.

He's everything I could want. But I have to remember my goals, my future. Unfortunately he just wasn't fit for it, but I oh so wanted him to be.

As we made our way home, parking out front, Hamilton walks me up to the porch. The stars as our audience, cheering us on, rooting for what seemed to be a fully developed relationship. He bows to my presence, pulling my hand up towards his puckered lips.

"It was my pleasure, Audrey Harrison."

Breathing in the scent of the freshly cut Oak tree,
I respond with a smile, in absolute amazement of his demeanor. "Hamilton Johnson, the pleasure was mine!"


It definitely took me a long time to decide on who I wanted my Hamilton to be associated with. I decided to go with Rudy Pankow, what are your thoughts? 

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