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"Well, this doppelgänger isn't any different from the previous ones. Stringing along with two foolish and naive brothers." Asa comments as she watches Elena and the Salvatores' make their entrance.

"Though I can admire that she has balls for it. Flaunting both in public and in everyone's face."

Klaus scoffs, rolling his eyes at Asa's words. Asa turns away from the banister, glaring at him.

"Something to say, Niklaus?"

"I remember there was a time when you did the very same. Pitting brothers against one another. Flaunting your smugness for the world to see. Behold, I have two Mikaelson brothers nearly tearing each other apart because I'm too selfish and inconsiderate to chose between the two!"

Klaus frowns as Asa bursts out laughing. "What's so bloody funny?"

"Oh, Niklaus." Asa purrs as she reaches up, caressing his cheek. There's a quiet moment as Asa meets his eyes. "It's been a century, let it go. You and I are not meant for one another. Kol and I are. He is my other half, and you're foolish and delusional if you think I'd ever choose you over him. There was never a competition between the two of you. It was Kol from the start, and it will always be Kol until death. And even then, I'll be waiting for him on the other side." 

Klaus fights back the many emotions he feels at Asa's words. But the one he couldn't hold back was one he was quite familiar with; rage.

"Don't start an unnecessary fight, Niklaus. This night is for Elijah, haven't you caused him enough grievance for the past couple of years? Give him this one night of peace. We can pretend to be the picture-perfect family for tonight and resume our differences tomorrow." Asa says softly, praying to her ancestors that her idiotic brother-in-law listens to her instead of having a rage fit and ruining everything. Klaus sneers, letting out a growl as he catches sight of Finn and Rebekah standing behind Asa.

"Fine!" He spat out, pulling away from Asa's touching, storming away.

"Thank you, Asa," Finn comments as Asa shakes her head in displeasure. Leave it up to Niklaus to ruin her evening! Now she wanted to kill something!

"I wonder how many more times she'll have to tell him that before it's bashed through his thick skull?" Rebekah wonders out loud.

"At this rate, Bexs I'm leaning towards forever." Asa sighs.


"Has anyone seen Bonnie?" Elena questions as she glances around the busy and crowded Mikaelson ballroom. She was surprised when she was handed an invitation by one of Klaus compelled servants.

"Nope, she hasn't answered any calls or texts from me. It's so not like Bonnie. Do you think they've hurt her?" Caroline looks worried, trading a look with Tyler. She knew bringing Tyler was like a kick in Klaus's face, but he needed to get the memo, she wasn't truly interested. Sure, the gifts and random sex were amazing, but her heart wasn't in it, and she needed to end whatever it was quickly before she got someone killed.

"She went with the she-devil and Elijah willingly Blondie. I'm sure she's living it up with these weirdos." Damon comments as everyone in the ballroom goes silent. What the hell? He follows their gaze to the top of the stairs. The Mikaelsons were gathered, staring down at the crowd like they were peasants and beneath them.

Elena and Caroline let out quiet gasps as they take in Bonnie standing beside Elijah, arms interlocked with his left one as his right one was occupied with a champagne glass. She was a breathtaking sight in her red wine mermaid style dress. Her hair falling in loose waves but doing nothing to hide the gold necklace and earrings that gleamed in the light.

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