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"No, what have you done, Elijah?"

Elijah smirks as he hears the absolute disbelief and panic in Klaus' voice. "What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now."

Kol enters the room, his gaze focused on Klaus. Who backs away, hands slightly raised. He shakes his head in disbelief. If Kol was undaggered, Asa was as well. Those two were masterminds at double-teaming and plotting.


"Long time, brother." Kols' voice was laced with sarcasm and malice as he stepped forward.

Klaus flashes over to the tray that holds the white oak daggers, but Finn appears, grabbing the dagger and stabbing Klaus through the hand.

"Finn, don't!"

Rebekah appears just as Klaus rushes away.


She ignores his plead, "this is for mother." She stabs him with a dagger, pulling it out as Klaus falls backward into Kol's arms. Kol restrains him, eagerly looking towards the doorway as Klaus struggles in his grip.

The Salvatore brothers were enjoying the show. Finally, the pain in the ass hybrid was getting what he deserved, and hopefully, after his siblings kill him, they'll get the hell out of Mystic Falls. Klaus had nowhere to run, couldn't charm his way out of this.

His world was crashing down, and it brought them great amusement.

Four of the Mikaelson clan watched the doorway intensely as Asa entered the room.

Stefan turns to Damon with a raised eyebrow, silently asking, "who's this?" Damon shakes his head, pointing to the Mikaelson, who didn't take their gaze away from the brown-skin beauty, especially Kol. His eyes were solely focused on her.

"Asa..." Klaus says as she advances toward him. He truly wasn't prepared for this. His family overwhelming and attack him. He was the one that punishes them! And he didn't mean for it to be punishment; it was to protect them! He loved his siblings, but they made careless mistakes that could've easily led Mikael to them at any time.

"Hello, Niklaus. Have you missed me?"

"You know he did, darling. He never could get enough of you. Could you, brother?" Kol chuckles in Klaus's ear as Asa's fingers grasp his chin. Klaus tried to avoid her eyes, but her grip denied it.

"No, you're going to look me in the eye as I stab you in the heart with this dagger. You're going to get the same treatment you've given all of us. No remorse whatsoever." Asa holds her hand out, Finn hands her a dagger.

She refuses to feel sorry for him.

"Asa, do not!" She ignores his plead as she plunges the dagger into his heart. He lets out a yell, closing his eyes.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

He listens to her command. His eyes were brimming with tears, but he was too proud to let them fall in front of the Salvatore brothers.

"This is how it felt every time you'd put that dagger in our hearts. Hurts, doesn't it, Nik?" Asa tightens her grip, twisting the dagger, causing him to let out a pain-filled groan. "If only it were a golden dagger that would've done the trick. You would've suffered as we have for centuries. Thrown away and forgotten."

Asa's dark eyes held no emotion as Klaus fell apart in her husbands' arms. He didn't deserve any forgiveness nor sympathy.

Damon and Stefan felt the tension between the siblings and Klaus. Damon was panicking. Was Elijah going to stick to his word?

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