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" We had the upper hand on Klaus and then Elijah double-crossed us! And then that bitch, Asa!" Damon growls as he paces, hand running through his hair frustratingly. Stefan sits in silence as Damon rants and raves. He told Damon Elijah was going to backstab them but he hadn't listened. Now, look at them! They had nothing but that locked coffin and Bonnie couldn't get it open.

Stefan rolls his eyes as Damon throws his glass into the fireplace. "We're screwed, Stef."

"We don't know that. They could be torturing Klaus now. Kol didn't seem too fond of him." Damon scoffs as Stefan stands, rolling his neck. "This is all your fault. I told you not to trust Elijah but nope, you didn't listen. Now, we only have the locked coffin, which we can't get open, and six originals on our asses. I'm going to bed, I've had enough of getting my ass kicked for the night."

Damon scoffs, "all he did was break your neck. You didn't get your ass tossed around by a five-foot she-devil."

"You provoked her, Damon. What did she expect?"

Damon was about to reach over and snap Stefan's neck again as the door opened and Bonnie walked in.

She stopped in the doorway, staring at the pair. "Am I interrupting something?"

Damon drops his hands, turning to her. "Judgy tell me you have some good news?"

"Uh, I think I'm going to come back later than." She turns to leave but finds herself walking into a firm chest. She looks up into the dark eyes of Elijah Mikaelson.

"Miss. Bennett, how lovely to see you. It's a coincidence that I've run into you. I was planning to head your way when I was finishing up here."

"Elijah, what could you possibly want from me?"

He places a hand on her shoulder. "To meet an ancestor of yours. She's eager to meet you. But, that could wait for one moment. I have to warn your friends."

Bonnie rolls her eyes, "they aren't my friends." He places a hand on her shoulder as he turns to the brothers, smiling.

"Good evening, Salvatores. I'm sure, you're quite upset about the aftermath of your plot to 'kill' my brother."

Stefan wasn't surprised Elijah came to brag.

"Why are you here, Elijah? What do you want?"

"You know exactly what I want. I want the coffin you've stolen from us."

Damon and Stefan's exchange looks before glancing at Bonnie. The brothers remained silent, refusing to respond.

Elijah laughs, shaking his head. These two were testing his patience, how he longed to smack their heads off their shoulders. "That coffin belongs to my family, we want it back. We will do anything necessary to retrieve it."

Damon shakes his head, "No can do, Elijah. Not unless you and your deranged family pack it up and leave. Then you'll get the coffin."

"My family likes it here already. I understand your wish to protect Elena, it's the doppelgänger lure. You fail to realize that between her and my family, I will pick my family, something you both need to learn. Family over everything, even fickle things as love."

Elijah was getting annoyed with the foolish brothers. They truly thought they could bargain with him!


Elijah takes a deep breath before speaking, "Asa, Kol, if you would please come in?"

Damon lets out a strangled cry as he finds himself flung across the room and landing against the wall. Asa flashes over, grabbing him and throwing him again. This time he lands at Elijah's feet, where Asa places a foot on his neck.

"We've got to stop meeting like this, boy."

Kol has Stefan wrapped in a headlock, laughing as Stefan struggled to fight out of his grip.

"You're going to give my family back our coffin," Asa speaks, lifting her foot off Damon's neck. He lets out a grunt.

"Or I'll have my Kol kill your brother. Which will it be, boy?" Asa stomps on Damon's neck, causing him to let out a strangled yell. He struggles to push her foot off as Elijah breaks off a leg from the wooden coffee table, having it to Kol.

Elijah grabs Stefan, holding his arms behind his back as Kol aims the stake at his heart.

"Anytime now, little boy," Damon growls, refusing to answer Asa.

"Very well. Kol, kill him!"

"With pleasure, my love." Kol stabs the stake in Stefan's chest. Stefan lets out a yelp as the stake punctured his chest. He fought against Elijah's tight grip but it was useless.

"NO! FINE! FINE, YOU CAN GET YOUR FUCKING COFFIN!" Damon yells out underneath Asa's foot.

"See, 'Lijah. You and Klaus need to learn from this. Keeping well on your threats." Asa smirks at Elijah as Damon struggles to get from under her foot.

Elijah rolls his eyes, throwing Stefan to the floor, the stake in along his chest, missing his heart by an inch.

"Miss. Bennett, if you'd come with me." Elijah holds a hand out to Bonnie. Her gaze was full of distrust as she takes his hand.

Asa kicks Damon away from her before she flashes over to Bonnie.

"Miss. Bonnie Bennett, I've heard quite a lot about you." Asa smiles, placing a hand on Bonnie's cheek.

"Can't say the same about you. Do I know you?"

Asa chuckles, patting Bonnie's cheek lovingly. "No, I suppose you don't know me. I am Asa Mikaelson, your ancestor dear."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "W-what? But you're a vampire!"

"That's a story for another time, little love. Come with us, we have much to discuss." Asa takes Bonnie's other free hand. She and Elijah leading her out of the boarding house.

"We expect the coffin to be returned to us by nightfall, Salvatores!" Kol calls out as he follows behind his wife.

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