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𝟭𝟳𝟬𝟬, 𝗦𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗡

"¡Por favor, por favor, Lady Asa! ¡Por favor, no mates a mi familia! ¡Castígame a mí y no a ellos! ¡Fue Obra mía! ¡Son inocentes!" The woman cried out, shuffling backward as the monster in front of her held her sleeping son. ( Please, please, Lady Asa! Please do not kill my family! Punish me and not them! It was my doing! They're innocent! )

She flinched, hearing the screams coming from her husband. Joan didn't expect her night to go to this. Her coven betraying her to this violent, emotionless beast.

"Dear, dear Joan." Asa Mikaelson purrs, handing Joans' son to one of her witches. "Take him and his siblings to our house."

"Yes, Mistress."

"¡NO! ¡NO! ¡Los criarás para que sean monstruos sin corazón!" ( NO! NO! You'll raise them to be heartless monsters! )

Asa lets out a laugh, waving her head dismissing the two witches. "Heartless monster, you say," She saunters close to Joan, kneeling grabbing his tear-stained face. Joan tries to pull away, not wanting the disgusting blood covering her face. Blood from her village, her friends!

"I remember this heartless monster taking in a poor little harlot who had nothing but the clothes are her back. I clothed you, fed you, taught you power! And what did you give me in return?!"

Joan refused to meet Asas' furious gaze.

"Answer me, Joan!"

She let out a choked sob. "Lo Siento, madre. ¡Te ruego que me perdones! ¡No pensé que esto hubiera pasado!" (I'm sorry, Mother. I beg you to forgive me! I didn't think this would've happened! )

Asa took a deep breath, closing her eyes as Joan sobbed. "You repay me by plotting my death and killing nearly half of my coven. The witches that took you in raised you taught you the wonders of magic. My children...You slaughtered your brothers and sisters. For a man who truly never loved you."

Asa lifted Joan to her feet, spinning her around, back to chest. Joan let out a whimper as Asa's fingers threaded through her hair. "I never forgive Joan. You've known me since you were ten; what's my punishment for betrayal?"

"Muerte...( Death..)"

"That's right, isn't it, Kol?" Asa hides a grin in Joans' neck as Joans' husband lets out a final scream before silence.

"Indeed it is, mi Amor ( my love )." Kol strolls into the room, hands behind his back. Asa looks up, taken in his blood-covered appearance.

"Did you have fun?"

"We slaughtered the entire village, and I got to torture that poor excuse of a man. Of course." Kol walks over to Asa, ignoring the sobbing Joan in between them. He pulls her into a hungry kiss.

Joan begins to pray, causing Asa to break their kiss. "God won't save you."

"Ah! I brought you a gift, Joan." Kol laughs, showing what was behind his back. Joan let out an ear-piercing scream. "DIEGO! ¡OH MIS DIOSES! ¡¿POR QUÉ?! ( DIEGO! OH, MY GODS! WHY?! )

Asa dips her head, fangs coming forward, gazing at Joans' neck. At first, she was apparent as she continued to yell curses at Kol.

"¡Monstruo sucio y repugnante! ¿Cómo te sentirías si alguien te trajera la cabeza de tu puta esposa? ¡Debería haberte apostado en el corazón cuando tuve la oportunidad! ( You dirty, disgusting monster! How would you feel if someone brought you the head of your fucking wife? I should've staked you through the heart when I had the chance! )

Undisclosed Desires | Kol Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now