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Not everybody is strong, not everybody knows how to lead a fight!
A fight, fought with the inner self, more brutal and longer than it seems to one's sight!

It ain't easy to sleep, with anonymous fears and feelings hidden inside, being ignited over and over, night after night!
It ain't easy to weep, drinking up every drops of tear, unimaginable and unbearable remains the plight!

Nightmares of hidden fears are often extremely scary, setting the whole inside alight!
But, it's one's decision solely either to leave to fight, or just live with the fright!

Sometimes we gotta take stand, stand brave against our fears, for our right!
Sometimes we need to shed the dark clouds, to see the sun burn bright!

If the will is strong enough, wings are not required to take a flight!
We are our own true kings, just playing the role of a knight!

Some feel there's no way out, holding on to their fears even more tight!
But even the brightest of days ends with the colorful twilight!

To win over the fears one need to embrace it, facing it with delight!
With an everlasting belief that it's going to be alright!

Just gotta keep the search on, exploring our very own inside because that's where lies our true might!
A tunnel can be full of darkness but at the end, there's always light!


Hey everyone..!

How was the poem? Did you like it?

And is it fine if I dedicate this poem to myself? (≧▽≦) Wondering why? Because today's my birthday ( ╹▽╹ )

Thank you for your time!

See you all soon!

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