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Losing someone is worst, but yet for the best when it comes to losing yourself in the process..

Opting to stay out is often very bold, especially when you could choose to stay in the 'desired' mess..

Saving all the rest is beautiful indeed, but not so when you can't save yourself from the rest nonetheless..

Inscribing smiles on the face of the people you love is a must, but so is must to inscribe one on your own when those loved ones turn into memories etched of sadness..

None of those you treasure the most are meant to stay with you forever, for at one point you gotta learn to let one go, even it may once seem a decision all full of nothing but unhappiness...

Goodness always comes with an inevitable sadness, we must learn to face the sads, forgive all the bads, and embrace just the glads, for it defines the true inner goodness..

It's always watering the flower and not plucking the flower you love, but also knowing when to stop watering, for the flower must also learn to survive in the hardships of nature to success..

The beautiful thing about time is that it changes, if today is all about the unending dark and the sadness, so will come a tomorrow with all the bright colors and full of happiness!


Hello everyone..

How was the poem?

"LOSING IT", yes! That's right, that's the poem all about, losing somebody.

Don't we all have someone whom we have lost who we once thought were our entire source of happiness?

Yes we all do, but this poem is not just about losing, it's about embracing, embracing yourself after that loss which you thought you would never have. Telling yourself, that it's for the greater good.

At the end it's all about the 2nd last line which goes by the saying "If you love a flower, don't pluck it, water it".

A beautiful saying indeed, but even this has a catch, and that is

'Don't overwater it'

Over watering can also cause the flower to turn pale and lose its colors. It's better at times to stop watering a flower and let it grow under the nature naturally, facing the hardships of nature. Taking warmth from sunny season, so undergoing falling from the spring, seeking water from rainy season and so growing cold when eventually comes the winter.

Because that's life!

You can't save or in fact treasure something or someone forever. At one point you have to let them go for their and your own good, sometimes which is not so immediately good but eventually it will be for you, but for the other it may be of the utmost necessity.

Have a grip stronger than any power in the world when it comes to protecting your loved beings, but ensure you don't tighten it too strong that the thing you are protecting eventually breaks because of your own grip.

Hope it made sense. I'm non sense at times, nevermind..

Just here to feel and make feel better

Thanks for reading, hope I could help you feel better.

Until next time,

*Gn, Tc🤍*

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