Naruto VS Fubuki

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Naruto and Fubuki arrive at the forest of silent at 9 sharp.

"Let the fight begin!!!" Tsunade said and Naruto charged towards Fubuki. Miyano and the others were all watching silently. Fubuki and Naruto didn't know that Miyano and the others were there watching. Tsunade knew.

Naruto took out his Kunai knife and tried to stab Fubuki. Fubuki dodged, ran forward and kicked Naruto down. Naruto fell to the ground. Naruto stood up and threw shurikens at Fubuki. Fubuki quickly took out a Kunai knife from his pocket and blocked all the shurikens. Miyano and the others were shocked. Where did Fubuki get that Kunai knife? How did he use it against so many shurikens?

"Shadow clone jutsu!!!!" Naruto exclaimed as a smoke cover his body. Many Naruto's came out of the smoke and tend to jump on Fubuki.

"Byakugan!!" Fubuki exclaimed. "Eight trigrams!! Protection!!" Fubuki exclaimed again and began spinning around forming a semi-circle chakra protecting Fubuki. All the clones disappears. Miyano was devestated to know how Fubuki did that. Tsunade was also shocked.

"Byakugan? Masaka!! Only the Hyouga clan and the Sakuye clan can use this Kekei Genkai!!" Tsunade muttered. The real Naruto and another clone were making the Rasengan. After the Rasengan was finished, the clone disappeared and Naruto, with the Rasengan, charged towards Fubuki. Fubuki gasped. As it was about to hit Fubuki, Fubuki jumped and pushed Naruto to the ground from his back. The Rasengan and Naruto both hit the ground. The Rasengan made a big hole on the ground. Miyano and the others were impressed. The Rasengan actually made such a damage. It would be dangerous if it were to hit a human. As Naruto was about to get up, Fubuki threw a Kunai knife at Naruto's head. The Kunai knife stabbed the back of Naruto's head. Miyano and the others were shocked. But then Naruto's body disappeared and turned into a log.

"Urgh!! Escape jutsu!!" Fubuki exclaimed and looked around. Miyano and the others 'phewed'. At least Fubuki didn't really kill Naruto. But it's not like they have a problem in killing. They are assassins. Suddenly many clones jump out from literally everywhere.

"What the-" Fubuki managed to say before the clones threw Kunai knives. There were paper bombs on the Kunai knives. Fubuki dodged the Kunai knives. When the Kunai knives touch the ground, the paper bombs started to burn. There were a few explosions. Luckily, Fubuki managed to dodge and escape everything. Naruto comes out of the bushes and dashes towards Fubuki.

"Katon: Gougyaku no jutsu!!" Fubuki exclaimed and blew out a giant burst of hot flames.

"Nani (What)?!?!" Miyano and the others literally whispered-shouted. Naruto gasped, stop dashing towards the flames and ran to the sides. Fubuki stopped blowing the fire and threw shurikens and Kunai knives at Naruto who is running in circles. Naruto dodged them. Naruto bit his finger until it bleed and brushed his blood against his forearm and shouted.

"Ninja art: Summoning jutsu!!". Naruto had summoned a small orange frog.

"Yo!! Naruto!!" The frog said.

"What?! Where is pap's?" Naruto asked. Fubuki bit his finger until it bleed and brushed the blood against his forearm and also shouted.

"Ninja art: Summoning jutsu!!" Fubuki had summoned a gigantic white wolf. It was very, very big. It was almost as big as Tsunade's slug. Almost. Miyano and the others gasped in shock. Naruto tried again and a very big red toad came out.

"I was in the middle of sleeping!! What is the meaning of this?!" The big red toad asked annoyed.

"I need your help to defeat him!" Naruto said pointing to Fubuki and the white wolf.

"Akuri, attack the toad and the boy. Destroy them," Fubuki said as the Akuri, the white wolf, started to charge towards the toad and Naruto. As Akuri was about to pounce on the toad, the toad leaped up into the air.

"Wow!! Pap's do you think you can go a little slower?" Naruto asked the toad. "Stop whining like a baby!!" The toad scolded. The toad jumped down. A lot of trees were smashed and wrecked.

"Akuri, again," Fubuki demanded as the wolf pounce on the toad again. The toad took out a katana and defended itself. Akuri turned around and managed to avoid being cut into pieces by that sharp piece of blade. Fubuki did a few hand signs and Akuri spit out a gush of blazing fire at the frog.

"Hold on tight, Naruto!!" The toad said and leaped up into the air higher than the last time.

"Akuri, finish them," Fubuki said. Akuri jumped up and kicked the toad down. The toad fell down crushing more trees. Naruto fell down from the toad. Fubuki also jumped down from Akuri.

"Fire style: Phoenix flower jutsu!!!" Fubuki said and blew out some fire. Naruto dodged them but one hit him. But it was a clone. Naruto's body then disappear.

"Shadow clone jutsu!! I should've known!!" Fubuki exclaimed and started looking around. Suddenly without Fubuki noticing, Naruto charged with the Rasengan. The Rasengan hit Fubuki at the stomach. Fubuki coughed out blood and fell to the ground.

"FUBUKI!!" Miyano and the others screamed out loud. Fubuki looked up. He was shocked. Why were they there?! Were they watching him on the trees all along?! He became angry. He was almost out of chakra and he was badly injured. The curse mark started to grow all over his body. He couldn't control himself anymore. Fubuki stand up and walked towards Naruto. Chakra was bursting out of him. Visible chakra.

"What? What kind of chakra is that?!" Naruto cried shocked. Fubuki used the Chidori. Faster than a cheetah, Fubuki ran infront of Naruto and strike the Chidori at Naruto. Naruto was pushed to the trees by this powerful force. Akuri and the big red toad disappeared. Naruto too coughed out blood. Naruto could barely move. Fubuki took him up by the collar and punched Naruto. Fubuki then stepped on Naruto hard. Tsunade ran in and kicked Fubuki. Fubuki was kicked to the tree. Fubuki was knocked out. Naruto was also out of cold. The curse mark began to go back. Miyano and the others jumped down from the tree.

"You guys saw it, right? The curse mark. If I hadn't kick him away just now, Naruto would have died," Tsunade said as Miyano and the others gulped.

"So..... Fubuki is really cursed?" Miyano asked as Tsunade nodded. "Cursed by a Sannin like me. Orochimaru," Tsunade said and clenched her fist. "Sannin? What is a Sannin?" Miyano asked.

"We Sannins are the legendary ninjas," Tsunade said healing Naruto. Tsunade then stood up and walked towards where Fubuki landed. She pulled down his collar to check on the curse mark. Tsunade sighed and pulled the collar back up. Miyano and the others looked at Naruto.

"Listen up, I will let you assassins stay for the night. Tomorrow, I will give your friend back and you guys head back, okay?" Tsunade said.

"Does that mean that Fubuki won the fight?" Kasoami asked as Tsunade nodded. Everyone were shocked at what they have seen and heard. Tsunade picked Fubuki up.

"I am going to put a seal on the curse mark. He could die if he stays in that state too long," Tsunade said.

"By the way, please help me to take Naruto to the hospital," Tsunade said again and disappeared. Miyano and the others had no choice but do as they were told.

"Kasoami, carry him," Miyano ordered.

"Why me?" Kasoami asked. "Cause you are a boy," Makuzaki said.

"Aww man...." Kasoami said.

"Rex and Richard is boy too!! And not to forget that I am injured!! " Kasoami whined.

"Richard came with us too?" Makuzaki asked as Richard came forth.

"I kept quiet the whole mission until now. That is why you guys didn't notice me," Richard said.

"Fine. Richard will do it," Miyano said in defeat. Richard carried Naruto to the hospital with Miyano and the others following behind.

VSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora