Getting Endou Back! Part 1

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Tsunami was shocked and quickly report it to Natsumi. Natsumi didn't believe Tsunami. Natsumi has never heard of eyes as red as blood with three comma as pupils before. Natsumi even checked the Internet, but the Internet didn't show much. She would have to type 'Sharingan'.

But, she doesn't even know about it. She had typed 'red eye with three comma' so of course she couldn't find anything. So, Natsumi had decided to forget about it. Natsumi then focused on the main question: How did the ninjas know where the assassin's base was hidden? Did someone secretly tell them? Was it Endou? Did the ninjas force Endou tot tell where the assassins base was hidden?

Natsumi became worried. She wanted answers. Natsumi pressed a red button revealing another 3 buttons. The devided the assassins into 'Beginner' , 'Moderate' and 'Ace' level. Natsumi herself was in the Moderate level. Natsumi pressed the 'Ace' level button calling for all the 'Ace' level assassins. Not long softer that, all the 'Ace' level assassins enter the base.

"What did you call us here for, Natsumi?" Amano asked. "Listen, I need you guys to go look for the ninjas hideout and get Endou back. I'll give you guys 2 days only," Natsumi said standing up. " Roger," All the 'Ace' level assassins including Fubuki replied before going. Once everyone was out, Natsumi sighed and slump into her seat.


"Sheesh.... Why'd we have to go find Endou," Amerald complained. "Yeah, why can't she do it herself?" Makuzaki agreed. " Maybe she is afraid because she is just a 'Moderate' level assassin!!" Amano laughed.

"Stop saying that!!" Madure, Natsumi's best friend, shouted. In the end, Madure received glares from Amerald, Makuzaki and Amano. "So where do you think the ninja's hideout would be? Anyone have an idea? " A girl with long, straight, maroon hair tied up in a ponytail asked in front of the crowd.

Her name is Miyano Furake. She is the leader of the 'Ace' assassins. " I know where it is," A voice said. Everyone turned around and sees Fubuki with his arms crossed and his back leaning against the wall. "How do you know?" Miyano asked. "I've been there," Fubuki answered causing all of them to gasp and whisper.

"What do you mean you've been there?! Even I have not been there!!" Miyano asked in shocked. "I was told to meet up with them. I injured them and left, or so they thought. They decided to go back to their hideout. So I followed," Fubuki lied and stand straight. " No wonder Natsumi said you took so long!" Madure said.

"You lead the way," Miyano said. Fubuki led the 'Ace' level assassins to the ninja hideout. They stopped for a while to rest be cause they needed food and water. Miyano went to look for food while Fubuki went to look for water. After a while, they continued their journey. But as they went inside the ninja's hideout, the back door closed. Suddenly, many ninjas attacked them. The ninjas bound and tied the 'Ace' level assassins up and throw then into a room. But the strange thing was, the ninjas did not attack Fubuki.

"What's the meaning of this, Fubuki?" Miyano shouted angrily at Fubuki.

"Heh, heh.... I'm not Fubuki. I'm Suzuno Fuusuke. Kai!!" and 'Fubuki' turned into Suzuno. "It was just a transformation jutsu to lure you people here,".

"T-Then..... Where's the real Fubuki Shirou?" Miyano asked again shocked.

"Oh!! I almost forgot. Bring him in," Suzuno said as two ninjas threw a sack into the room. "Enjoy your stay," Suzuno said before closing the door. The lights dimmed.

"Fubuki? Are you there?" Arumina asked. "Is the coast clear?" A voice from the sack asked.

"Yes. They're gone," Arumina answered as Fubuki secretly used a Kunai knife to cut the sack open.

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