Chapter 18 - Not Alone

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Kaminari's POV

Why the hell did Aizawa say that? Why do Kirishima and Bakugo have to watch me as if I was a child? What did I do wrong to make my life so shitty?-

These questions racing in my head were all waiting to be answered. I wondered even more while resting my head on Sero's shoulder. I honestly really didn't care if anyone said anything or if I passed out, my life couldn't get any worse.

Everyone was hanging out on the couch together watching a movie I'm pretty sure. I was staring off into space, barely aware of anything. The only thing I payed attention to was that once in a while, one of my friends seated with me would lean over to probably check if I was asleep or not.

Why did everyone care so much about me?-
I hate it.
I'm so stupid and they're wasting their energy to help me.

Silence surrounds me and the pictures presented by my eyes fade away.

A minute goes by with nothing

Suddenly, I'm seated once again in that classroom where I'm that whatshisface kid-

People talk and I already know to stay silent. I walk out of the classroom. Even though nobody sees me, they all avoid me.

I was used to this by now, the only person I ever talked to up until I was 15 was my aunt, even then she avoided physical contact.

I walk up and down the streets, searching for my real home now, where I can seek the comfort of the best people ever.

15 years it took to get a hug out of someone, it was so nice but the only thing I can feel in this empty place is hole in my stomach.

That's when I reached UA.
Or, where it was supposed to be.

It was replaced with roads and more busy streets where I continued to be a nobody.

Why is this happening!?
I miss my friends and it isn't even like I'm actually gone.

At least in that class I'm never alone.
People always call you, even though they're next door.
People had rough childhoods but we can comfort each other.
It's full of happiness and these people make it safe.

In fact, they're so much more than "people" to me. They're family.

I accidentally bump into a man while walking down the street "Oh I'm sorry" No response though.

Every time I tried to get up, someone knocked me back onto the ground which was as cold as everyone around me. I suddenly started to sink into the ground like quicksand until I was completely buried, unable to breathe.

My good for nothing quirk activated while I was struggling to reach for the surface once again. I could hear faint voices in my head as I was suffocating, the pain of the electricity was becoming unbearable, like never before.


I suddenly open my eyes, jolting up and shaking.
Everyone in the common room had their eyes on me.

Kirishima's POV

Pained noises which I recognize oh too well start coming from my friend. He was resting peacefully for about an hour which is really good! Though, it was only time until he got a nightmare once again. We desperately tried to awaken him, nothing working. His skin had turned pale and his face was covered in sweat. Not to mention that his electricity started forming around himself again.

We attempted to help him but the voltages started to get so high, that it was starting to get dangerous to touch him. He was also getting worse every minute. He started choking and gasping for air, he could barely breathe and we were all at a panic, no idea of what to do.

What was going on in there!?

Thankfully, Aizawa eventually arrived after someone retrieved him, shut his quirk off, and woke him up. Though, he looked just as bad as when he was out. "May everyone who is not in the living room go upstairs and to their rooms?"

Just like that, everyone except for the 6 of us left to their rooms. "Dude, what happened!? You okay?" Of course he wasn't but what were we supposed to say? He looked at us with tears still running down his face and then buried his head into my chest. My shirt got pretty wet but it didn't matter right now. "C-can you talk to us hun?" It took a minute but we then heard incoherent words coming out from his mouth. "It's alright, tell us when you can!"

20 minutes we all stood there trying to make him feel better. He had clung onto my arm and there were no more tears to cry. He opened his mouth to talk several times but nothing would come out. Sero gave him a tissue where he wiped off most of the tears from his red tinted cheeks. Just by looking around, you could tell everyone was worried for him. Even Bakugo had gone silent, just staring at Denki, who was scared to look back. "Listen Kaminari. We all want to help you but we can't if we don't know what happened in your dream." Our teacher said in a very calm but concerned tone, trying not to scare him even more.

"I-I don't know what happened" he replied in a weak, shaking voice.
"What do you mean!?"
"I was drowning.. My quirk.. People.."
The room went silent for a few minutes, only hearing the distressed blonde's rapid breathing. "Just take deep breaths and calm yourself." He left the room right after and came back approaching him with a glass of water, Denki shook his head to decline but Aizawa wasn't taking no for an answer, "Drink."
After being commanded to drink the glass of water, he grabbed it from his teacher's hands and proceeded to chug it.

Oh Kami..
I wrapped my free arm around him to provide some comfort and after a while longer, he calmed down and closed his eyes to rest, probably exhausted from crying and still needing to catch up to his missing sleep.

I just hope you know that we're all here for you.
We'll all make sure you get better soon.

You're always on our minds, even if you physically are, you're not alone.

Authors note again I'm sorry 😄


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