Chapter 11 - All-Nighter

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Kaminari's POV

It was terrible...
I woke up again because of another dream.
I swear they're just getting even worse.
It took me 2 hours to slip out of consciousness again.

I don't wanna sleep tonight.
Or the next night,
or the next,
or the next.

Until there's away to stop this, I don't even wanna close my eyes-

After the alarm wakes us up I get up and grab the uniform sitting on my chair. Kirishima and Bakugo leave after I reassure them that I'm alright and I only see them again when they come downstairs to grab some breakfast before heading to class. "Hey guys!" I smile. "Hey man! You alright?" My friend said in a concerned tone. "Of course I am! Don't worry!" I give him a weak smile while grabbing some toast and handing it to my friends. We stood there in silence until we had all finished and head out the door. I didn't want for they to think about last night, I wanted everything to just be normal. We eventually started a conversation about random stuff we enjoy while we had another boring day of class.

"Bakugo is really manly though!"

Finally, it was normal until school was over.
"Hey Kaminari, wanna hang out? You know, so we can make sure that-" I cut him off, "Don't worry bro, I'll be fine! I have some homework to catch up on!" Even though that was true, I didn't intend on doing it. I was planning on staying up the whole night and I'm not gonna tell anyone about it. I walk up to my dorm and grab a box from the bathroom cabinet. I opened the lid to reveal a box full of medication. Just in case I got sick since we can't leave the dormitory without permission. I dig through the box for a while before pulling something out. I was given a small plastic bag containing a couple pills from my aunt before I left. They help you feel more alert. I stuff the bag in the pocket of a pair of shorts that I changed into and sit down on my chair to pull out my homework. It really stresses me out to do but it at least wakes me up like coffee.

After struggling for a couple hours with the assignment and noting things that seemed important, I check the clock on my phone which reads 10:07 pm. I didn't sleep that well last night so I begin to already feel sleepy. Please tell me that I won't turn into Bakugo some day... I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge the school provided to each person, the pills, and swallow them. Within minutes the effects start to kick in which means I can relax a little bit with drifting off into sleep.

2:00 am

Thankfully, the pill did a good job because I was still going. I could tell it was getting weaker but still strong enough that I could stay awake and active.

5:00 am

It was almost time to get ready so just a bit longer... The effects of the pill ended so any time I
started to doze off, I'd have to give myself a small zap so that I wouldn't fall asleep.

6:30 am

The alarm on my phone signaled me that it was time to get ready. I change into my school uniform for yet another day of school while transferring the bag of pills into the pocket of my uniform. I don't plan to tell my friends what I'm going to do. I do need to keep these on hand just in case though. I grab my phone which had thousands of unread messages on the screen, and head downstairs. "Good morning! Would you like some toast?" I nod while walking into the kitchen and up to Tokoyami, he was sipping dark liquid out of a mug. "Hey dude!" He looks up at me, taking a sip before proceeding to answer "Good Morning Kaminari." I put on a nice smile and use a cheerful voice as usual to talk "Whatch'ya having?" He raises an eyebrow, "Black coffee.. Would you like some?" I nod, smiling. He points to a coffee machine in the corner of the kitchen. I've never noticed it before but I thank him, grab a tumbler from a cabinet, and fill it up with the dark liquid containing caffeine. I grab some toast and shove it into my mouth before filling my bag up with stuff I needed, including the coffee. Once I'm done, I look up to see two tall figures standing in front of me. "Hey man! Did ya sleep well last night?" I stand up to see Bakugo and Kirishima standing there looking at me. I sling the bag around my shoulder and smile. "Hey guys! Oh yeah, I was alright!" like before, I'm not telling them what I'm really up to. "You ready to go Sparky?" "Oh yeah! I'm pretty much done so let's go!" They smile back at me, Bakugo's was barely classified as a smile but to 1-A, it counted.

We start heading towards the school, chatting as normal and joking around before the boring, exhausting school day begins. It has gotten a bit better though, we used to have classes Monday through Saturday but now that we're placed in dorms, they let us have another day off. Once we get in class, just on time, we plop down in our seats and listen to our teachers lecture us all. It's so boring, I would usually fall asleep, this time I can't though. I try to focus on other things so I don't sleep, including trying not to flinch when I zap myself so people don't question it. The bell rings, finally which means it's time for lunch, I can finally gain all my energy back, especially during hero training.

Authors note: Hey there y'all 😄 I don't have much to say except I hope you guys are enjoying this so far and a thank you for over 400 reads! I wasn't expecting much writing this but I'm glad tons of people are reading! I hope that we can get even more people to read this as I continue to write because this isn't even close to concluding yet! >:D

Anyways I love y'all and thank you so much for reading this!

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