Chapter 9 - Problem

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Third Person POV

"Do you remember the villain attack here?"
"Well.. Yeah!"
"You took a hit from the nomu to save Kirishima, correct?"
"You took a hard hit to the head there. We were able to see that after the attack."
"I don't really remember that part but sure.."
"You started to pass out a lot once you returned to classes"
"Yeah! And I got tons of crazy nightmares!"
"Which we think is an effect of the damage your brain took"
"So what does that mean?"
Aizawa mentally facepalmed himself. "Don't you get it? You're gonna keep getting these nightmares. We don't know any way to help you yet.."
"It's most likely triggered when you calm your brain down considering what we've seen so far..."
"What's that supposed to mean"
"When you try to sleep, relax yourself, your mind calms down, your brain allows itself to pass out and trigger stuff like nightmares."
"Does that mean I can't sleep anymore!?" Kaminari said in a raised and worried tone.
"No! It just means that you should be careful about when and where you decide to rest."
"...Oh alright. Thank you" Denki said now in a calm, hushed tone."
"I'm sorry I can't do anything about it. But do you mind if I ask you a few questions to make finding a way to help easier?"
"Oh sure.."

The two started to talk, Aizawa shooting questions towards the troubled blonde until everyone was leaving the school for the day.

Kiripima's POV

We were supposed to go to hero training like always in the afternoon after lunch together but for some reason, Aizawa held Kaminari back. I didn't see him the whole time we were training. I'll ask Aizawa where he is once I'm done changing. I walk out of the male change room once I'm done and head towards our home room. I almost get there until I pause and turn around because of a very familiar voice. "Walk behind me extra. This was my idea first." Bakugo. Was he gonna ask about Denki as well? "What're you doing Bakubro?" I ask now walking behind him and doing as he says. "I'm on my way to ask why Sparky wasn't at training."
"...Okay!" We arrive at the classroom and I trail behind the spiky haired blonde as he pushes open the insanely huge door. I peak my head out from behind Bakugo to see Kaminari seated at Aizawa's desk watching him flip through pages of something that resembled a document. "Ahem" Bakugo cleared his throat before saying: "What's going on here?" The two seated males turned their heads towards us as Bakugo had caught their attention now. "Oh hey guys!" Kaminari said putting on an obviously fake smile. I looked at Aizawa who was looking at us three teenagers stare at each other. "I think we're about done here.." Aizawa said putting back his papers into his desk and signalling to Kaminari that he's dismissed. "Why the hell weren't you at training today Dunce Face?" It must've been something because Kaminari looked back at Aizawa before he nodded to him. "I'll tell you about it once we get back to the dorms..." Bakugo didn't seem satisfied at all with that answer but he noticed that it's probably something serious so he held back his words. "Okay then."

We returned to our 1-A dormitory and followed Kaminari into his room. After hearing the sad but oh so very true commentary about his room, he changed it and it looks much better now. He made hand gestures towards his bed telling us to sit down on it so we both did just that, not saying a word. "So? What's the thing you needed to say?" Kaminari looked like he had trouble talking which is very surprising for someone like him. The stuttering's worse than when he gets called on in class. "Aizawa said they found out what's going on and now it's gonna change everything I do- "
"What happened man is it like a disease?"
"Nono- I don't know if it's better or worse than one though" Bakugo rises up from the bed and speaks up. "Then it would be nice if you could tell us what it is."
"I- Okay... I'm basically getting these nightmares because of when I hit my head about a month ago"
Bakugo glanced towards Kirishima while he looked down in guilt. Probably because if he was paying better attention then this may have not happened. I'm not mad at him for that though, he had been fighting really hard. "So now..." I explained everything that Aizawa had told me while they listened in silence, maybe asking a question as if they were interviewers once or twice.

"Wait so basically any time you just wanna relax it can bring you to your nightmares!?"

"How does it feel?"

"And they can't do anything about it!?"

I responded with a "Yeah, eh.., nope" they stared at me, then shared looks like they were sending a telepathical message. Kirishima finally stood up and pulled me into a warm, comforting hug like a mama bear's. I hugged him back with my eyes closed, I shuffled my leg around in attempt to drag him into the hug as well. After a while of me kicking him, he walked up to us and wrapped his arms around the both of us which made this even more pleasant to be apart of. We stood there hugging for a good couple of minutes before the hug broke apart and we retreated to my bed.

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