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After weeknights of nightmares she can't remember clearly and restless, anxious filled nights, Amoura couldn't take it anymore, she was going to go insane from the chaotic magic clinging to her, constantly straining the crystals trying to release all the pent of magic causing her to feel like she's about to implode. 

She felt something stirring, almost calling her to listen but couldn't tell what it was or what it wanted from her, other than it was magical and it wanted to be heard, "if you really wanted my help you'd let me remember the damn nightmares," Amoura mutters into the air, hoping to cause a reaction somehow, instead she's greeted by silence.

Amoura was overfilling with magic despite the multiple meditation sessions to release all access magic that she absorbs throughout the day. Amoura couldn't keep it off her, she often questioned if her unborn child was unknowingly pulling magic to him? 

Amoura gets out her bed after seeing it was well past two AM. Tonight was a night where sleep evades her and leaves her with an uncanny energy asking her to move. Amoura isn't sure what she's suppose to do other than release her magic into the space around her, letting the crystals she planted around her apartment absorb it all.

Her connection to Bixiy here isn't the same as her home territory where her magic was so engrained in the land she could tell exactly what was going on and more importantly it could tell her what was wrong. 

Despite being on Stone territory Amoura isn't connected to Bixiy the way she was at home. Amoura hasn't interrogated her own magic into the land, afraid that by allows herself into the land Bixiy will want throw her all its magic. She's already pulling to much magic in her opinion, anything to avoid taking in more.

Amoura slips out the back door when the night breeze soothes her worries, she lets herself walk, not focus on anything other than relaxing, maybe subconsciously she'll solve her own problem.

Amoura zones back in when she comes right up to the small hut she was at earlier this week, "so that's what this is about," Amoura mutters as makes her way across the hill to the edge of territory.

"Still can't let this go huh," Amoura sighs as she watches the breeze take sand from pile to pile, the vast land that once overflowed with magic, Amoura sends a wave of her magic out to feel for life, and for a split second she's able to see the land for it once was, Amoura was caught in the breath taking view.

"Lady Amoura!" The elder who was staying at the hut approaches her, "what are you doing out so late?" She curiously asks Amoura who's disappointed from being pulled from the vision of what once was.

"I couldn't sleep, something just pulled me here. I guess deep down I couldn't stop thinking about the wasteland," Amoura speaks as she stares into the never ending piles of sand in front of her.

"Even as a wasteland life still grows there, even if its not the same as before. Life thriving is proof all hope isn't lost, as for as long as the Stone are around, one day this desert will flourish completely," The elder speaks optimistically.  

"I'm assuming the lack of invaders to the Stone Region has a lot to do with this massive dessert," Amoura comments as she watches sand hills get blown into one.

"Even with the Giant Forest gone, this land is still the Stone's territory and creatures that live there still protect its home from those who seek to do wrong," The elder explains as she watches the sand blow away in the wind.

 Amoura looks at the sand sadly, "one day this wasteland will be living again." Amoura mutters more to herself than anyone.

"What a terrible thing done to this land, I can feel the vast emptiness," Amoura mourns as she stares out.

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