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Amoura spends the week helping her cousins find Crystals for the border, with the addition magic in the crystals, Remus figures they should get more crystals to tether it to the ground in the wasteland.

Amoura figured if she had more places to send the excess magic then she didn't have to worry so much about causing destruction during labor.

Amoura waddles into the kitchen hoping to catch Lisa before she leaves for the market, she had an undesirable craving for chocolate chip pancakes.

"Morning Amoura, you're up extra early today," Lisa slides her a plate of pancakes as Amoura nods with a large smile.

"Always know what I'm thinking, and I'm up early for i couldn't sleep, I've never been to the ocean Lisa," Amoura speaks as she cuts her pancakes up before devouring them.

"I know your father always wanted to take you, but with the humans they were never able to be away for long," Amoura nods recalling her fathers failed trip to the beach when she was six. Just as they were about to take off, the humans set the entire hillside by what is now Alpha Blackharts territory. It took an entire week to get the flames to die, and the damage left Amoura sick for days.

"I'm going to head out before the other wake up. Don't forget to pack, an extra set of clothes, your grandfather wants to stop for a fancy dinner before we return. We'll be at the beach house all weekend," Lisa speaks as she packs the list in her wallet, "want anything in particular?" Lisa questions Amoura as she heads to the door.

"Fruit, and those Spicy Minto's chips," Lisa shakes her head at the sound of the chips name and walks out. Amoura washes her dish before heading for a walk, she makes her way through the crystal trails till she reaches the Stone border of sand and trees, she stays recharging the magical crystals for a while before taking a detour back to the house..

Amoura returns to the kitchen in a mess, her cousins scattered around trying to bake, "what exactly are you all doing?" Amoura walks into the kitchen curious about their mess.

"We're making strawberry cheese cake. Want to help us?" Lennox asks as Rae cuts up the strawberries for the cake.

"Oh no, you're better off without my help. I can't cook to save a life," Amoura sighs, "my mother is an amazing cook and she's tried. I never seemed to be good at it," Amoura sits on the stool across the island they were baking on.

"Pretending to be be bad at something and actually being bad at something are two different things," Copper speaks without looking up from the batter he was mixing.

Amoura smiles amused at his words, "the only thing I'd be pretending it to know how to bake if i help. As for everything else, not caring to learn it isn't the same as pretending to be bad at it," Amoura speaks up.

"For someone with such natural talent and power why shy away from it?" Cooper asks frankly.

"With great power comes with great responsibility. In truth power if not managed can corrupt and alter a persons personality. For a Stone Wielder the same applies, take a little to much and you'll fall into the madness," Amoura speaks casually.

"Besides if it were up to me, I'd be human," Amoura speaks bluntly.

"If you were human you wouldn't have a mate," Amouras expression changes to a serious one.

"My soul is the same no matter what species I am. My mate is mine regardless," Amoura replies harshly before getting up and walking away.

Amoura comes out of her apartments once they were ready to leave.

Lisa, Lydia, Amoura and her three cousins would all be taking off together and Remus would catch up with them later.

"We'll be stopping in Leawood for a pit stop then straight to the beach house," Lydia reminds them of any last minute things as they climb into the car. Once settled they begin the two hour drive to the city Leawood. The corner store they stop at a small store at the base of the massive cliff base, she could smell the salt water.

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