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Amoura spent the weekend as far from connecting to much to Bixiy in fear of falling to the alluring pull of the magic around her, raw unchanging magic that leaks from the ocean truly is unlike the magic on land.

The week back at the Stone house Amoura was still more distracted about the sirens words to think about anything other than how she was to avoid her fate of being consumed by magic, Amoura's going to need to stop using her magic all together. 

Amoura hunts down her grandfather for a chat, she finds him in the craft room sewing a blanket for Lydia who was picking out patches for the blanket.

"Grandfather can we speak for a moment?" Amoura asks after apologizing for interrupting them on their activity together.

"It's alright dear, your grandfather just like relaxing feel of sowing. I'll go help Lisa with the grocery shopping. This way she won't be caught in the storm," Lydia asks Amoura if she'd like anything before walking out with Amoura's reply of fruits and spicy chips.

Amoura sits across her grandfather as another Braxton hicks trembles through her lower abdomen, "grandfather I came to ask you if you'd train me how to be a Guardian after I give birth. I've never had proper magical training or any physical training either, and I would like to learn before entering the B.O.M.A. I can't keep running from what I am, so please teach me," Remus looks at his granddaughter proudly.

"I will teach you how to be a Guardian Amoura do not worry about that," Remus reassures, and they talk about magical training. Amoura slides off the stool just as another contraction hits, this one shaper that the previous.

"Amoura are you alright?" Remus asks concerned as he sees Amoura holding onto the table, Amoura nods and breaths through the sharp pain.

"Yeah just a few Braxton hicks, I think," Amoura holds onto the counter as she breathes through it, "that's the six one today," Amoura mutters as she questions if Braxton hicks were really what she was experiencing.

Another sharp pain answers her question, Amoura holds onto the counter to stay up, "no?" Remus asks as he gets up from his seat, doubting his granddaughter isn't in labor.

"No more prepping huh baby boy?" Amoura looks at her belly as another contraction comes it, this time its followed by a crack of thunder and lightening. "Baby's coming grandfather."

Remus calls for Lydia and Lisa when they reach the kitchen only to realize they were both gone, Rae seeing the situation steps in and starts directing people, sending their grandfather for Amoura's hospital bag, Copper to chase down the doctor and Lennox is to have the elevator door open and waiting.

Amoura breathes through a few more contractions with Rae's help who holds her steady and helps her back to the kitchen for the elevator was tucked behind the pantry.

"Call Lisa. She just left," Rae reassures Amoura she'll get in touch with Lisa, once she was safety in the hospital bed waiting to give birth. 

"Why does it hurt so much? My waters not even broken yet, this isn't even the worse part," Amoura mutters as she stops for another contraction, this one sooner and stronger than the pervious. Amoura holds back a groan.

"Lean over the counter, I'll massage your back, I did it for my sister," Amoura nods, not being able to stand the pain anyways and uses the island counter as support.

Rae massages Amoura's lower back as another contraction sets in, Amoura grips the side as the contraction sends a bright flash of pain down her core, Amoura cracks the counter from the magic she accidently releases.

She clenches her hand and tries to focus on control as the pain subsides, Amoura starts moving again, she wanted to be behind the barriers sooner rather than later. "We have to move." Amoura gets up and begins moving as quickly as she can when she's not in pain.

One bumpy elevator ride down and Doctor Kyda was waiting for her with a gurney, "don't worry Amoura. We'll get you through this." Amoura just nods, holding back a hiss of pain as another contraction passes through her body.

The next Amoura knew was in her room, and in a hospital gown. Amouras body was quickly preparing to pushing, the contractions were quickly becoming one big none ending gut wrenching cramp in her lower abdomen.

Meanwhile the storm outside was only worsening, the winds breaking branches trees, rain turning to hail, with lightening and thunder crackling every few minutes.

"Amoura you're quickly dilating," Doctor Kyda looks at Amoura astonished, who was breathing hard through the pain.

"Isn't that a good thing," Amoura asks through the breathing.

"I don't think it is. It looks like you're struggling to keep up with your own body," Amoura's head rolls back as she bites back a scream.

"That's because I am, I can't hold on and -" Amoura cuts herself off and tries to keep herself from slipping. A sharp pain bolts her forward, Amoura holds onto her stomach as she tries to remain calm.

"You're coming fast little one, I need a moment," Amoura lays back down as the pain subsides for a minute, Amoura's breathing and heart rate quickly slow, Amoura felt the magical tremble in her stomach before the pain came. Amoura looks to her grandfather in panic and apologizes.

Amoura braces for the pain, the walls and floor crack with her scream of pain, "Amoura you need to focus your magic on the crystals," Remus rushes to her, grabs her hand to help stabilize her magic, and falls to his knees from his granddaughters magic potential, "Amoura," he whispers worried.

"I know. Its why I'm so cautious grandfather," Amoura's words recomposes him, and he returns to his headspace and tells her they can place limiters on her magic potential.

"How great that sounds, now might not be the time to think about that," Amoura speaks up as her doctor prepares for delivery.

"Amoura you must concentrate your magic on the crystals, don't hold it, just let it go Amoura," Remus advises as his magic connects to his granddaughter as he grabs a crystal from the barrier and puts it in their hands. "Concentrate your magic on this Amoura. Nothing else, sweetheart."

Amoura grips the crystal and throws all her will into it, leaving her vividly aware of the pain, she couldn't help but think of Heminsworth. I'm sorry Heminsworth, I'm having our first born and you're not here. My entire life you have been here, and now you won't be apart of the beginning of our sons life. And its all my fault, I did this. I left to protect you but you're still in danger and the only reason I'm safe is because I'm hiding behind the name I want to runaway from.

Doctor Kyda nods and tells Amoura she needs to start pushing, Amoura begins panicking, Lisa rushes in then, Amoura bursts into a sob when she sees her, "oh I know sweetheart," Amoura shakes her head.

"Oh Amoura you are far stronger than you think sweetheart," Lisa grabs another crystal before grabbing Amouras' free hand, holding the crystal in between their hands.

"For him there's nothing you wouldn't do, so push my dear," Lisa advises and Amoura begins to push, the crystals heat up from the magic leaking out of Amoura, she screams from the pain, and Amouras vision turns white.

After a second she sees herself in front of a sourcing mining rig with a large golden pillar of magic, "there is no we, its me." Amoura watches in horror as her soul and body merge with the magic void.

A cry brings her back to the present, Amoura is stunned into silence until she sees her son, the tears threating to come out slip as she sees his now smiling face, "no. I'll do whatever I have to do," I will not leave you like that. I will not disappear.

Amoura holds her son and smiles back at him, "hey my little one," Amoura smiles at her sons faded baby blue eyes, like Amoura he has inherited her fathers eyes.

"So Amoura what is your sons name?" Amoura smiles at Doctor Kydas question.

"Sirius King Stone."

After Doctor Kyda finishes catching Amoura up and her family checking Sirius Amoura is left alone for the night, "its just you and I little one. For now." Amoura and looks at her son who was watching her.

"Can't fall asleep little one?" How about a light show then?" Amoura holds onto her sons small hand and creates an Aurora Borealis for them to watch.

"I won't ever leave you, Sirius. You, your father and I will be a family one day," Amoura looks down to see Sirius was fast asleep.

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