fuck you.

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the next day~~"HELP! SOMEONE! HES DYING! PLEASE." i woke up from my dream sweating and crying. Yesterday was too vivid. The burnt skin. The screams the man made before being burnt alive. After the incident, me and bakugo were told to go home and try focusing on something else. *ring ring* it was 5am. I checked my phone and i had an incoming call for the police department. "Hi, is this y/n l/n?" the operator on the phone said in an enthusiastic tone. "Y-yes speaking." i said in a disorganized tone. "Could you come to the police department for some questions about yesterday's incident please if so please come now." i wasn't shocked. " Oh yes i'll be there soon." we said our goodbyes and i got ready. who the fuck is up at 5:00 i thought to myself as i put in my school uniform.
~time skip~
As i arrived at the police department i notice bakubitch walking up. i mean i guess it would make sense for him to come. He gave me the nastiest glare again like always except this one seemed less intimidating.
~time skip~
After the questions were done we walked to school together. we walked in a comfortable silence until i asked him a question. "bakugo.." "what extra" he replied back after maybe 5 seconds. "Did you sleep well last night?" i asked scared for his answer " no. also it's not your business so shut the fuck up i don't like you." he said not even looking at me. "the fuck is your problem? Your so rude god." i snapped at him. "whatever idc" he said carelessly. "i can tell" i said giving him a glare. His morning voice. His morning voice is very very hot- what no. stop he's a asshole.
~time skip~
we walked in to class together not even realizing we were holding hands until kirishima pointed it out. "WOAH!! bakubro got himself a girlfriend!" we then realized we were holding hands and quickly pulled them apart. "EW NO WHAT NO SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!" bakugo screamed "yeah i'm too good for a guy who looks like that." i said as i walked to minas desk. "OI FUCK YOU!"

Y/n X Katsuki Bakugo Where stories live. Discover now