Legacy!Steven X Peter- fluff/angst- s-stop

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Gosh- that's one heck of a title and WOAH- IS THIS AN AU ONE-SHOT? Yes, yes it is. I am now accepting one-shots for either of my aus (Beach! AU and Legacy Steven! AU- very creative names, i know) anyways, onto the one-shot uwu

1 year since Steven went missing. 1 year since the same phone changed. 1 year since Henry escaped the void. 1 year since everything went down the drain. Now, that same tratior decided to show his face, how dare he.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, I ALREADY GET IT, YOU LEFT US...YOU LEFT ME. I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME, A-ALL THOSE TIMES. THE WORDS LEFT YOU, "I love you." GOD, WAS EVERYTHING YOU SAID A LIE?!" A gen 2 phone guy screamed out, tears somehow streaming down his plastic, rotary phone, head. Another phone guy looked down at the other one, this phone guy was different. Red, gen 1, rotary phone but, he was weird, magenta dress shirt, dark gray tie, black tuxedo jacket, dark gray pants, black high-heel boots, magenta gloves which had black rings over it on both the ring and index finger. The gen 2 phone on the other hand had a rolled up, light blue dress shirt, jeans, and normal dark colored dress shoes. "Look, Peter, dear-" the gen 1 phone said. Peter, the other phone, shook his head. "DONT PETER ME, STEVEN! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE PAIN YOU CAUSED ME, DAVE, JACK, DEE, EVEN BLACKJACK. Y-YOU...." His sentence trailed off, Steven walked closer, lifting Peter's head up to look at him. "It's my legacy, Peter, and you can be a part of it." He said sweetly, pulling Peter into a small, comforting hug.

"I-I don't know...I-" Peter said, he missed Steven's calm, warm embraces. The way he cared for him wherever and whenever. Maybe- he should just stay with the gen 1 phone. "You don't have to help me, just love my like I do you, teddy bear." He softly said, leaning down to give the other phone a 'kiss' by bonking their heads together.

"Stop...I-I don't know what to do- s-stop-"

Peter said softly, as Steven sighed. "Take your time, dear. Let me know what you decide tomorrow." The gen 1 phone said, moving away from Peter. "I won't go missing, this time. I'll come back. Don't worry." He said, going out of Peter's view.

"Steven...stop- I love you-"

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