🍓Athazagoraphobia • IwaOi🍓

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I'm in a decent mood so it's a fluff.

scaleyboy recommend an IwaOi fluff so here it is

Time skip fuckers


If there was one thing that Iwaizumi and Oikawa could do as a couple that the both would enjoy, it was definitely long car rides. Their favourite time to go was at sunset, right when the sun would be setting and you could see the sky turning into different shades of dark blue, orange and red as the sun slowly fades away and would soon disappear into the ocean.

Iwaizumi always drove because Oikawa was not the best with street signs and easily got lost. Neither of them minded it though, Iwaizumi always knew the best places to go that had the most beautiful scenery. Oikawa personally loved it when Iwaizumi would put his hand on his thigh, or hold hands with him and then drive with one hand.

Oikawa had made a specific playlist that he would play everytime they went. It was filled with both of their favorite songs. Even if they sat in silence they would both be okay with it because it was each other.

Tonight was a little different though, it was around 1:30 in the morning and Iwaizumi wanted to go for a drive and obviously Oikawa would never deny an offer to spend time with his partner.

The two were in the car, the playlist playing and Iwaizumi driving. It had started to rain, and Oikawa saw a noticable nervousness in Iwaizumis eyes, which only let Oikawa to think of the worst. "So Iwa-chan, where are we going?" Oikawa asked trying to sound excited to cover up the anxiety he was feeling. "Can't tell you."

This made the former setter worry even more. It's not that he didn't trust his Iwa-chan, it was just that they were doing something that is currently unknown and Oikawa didn't like that whatsoever. He didn't know if it was gonna be a nice place, or if he should've dressed nicely or if they were just gonna drive around. He glanced down at his attire.

Basic black sweatpants and one of Iwaizumis' hoodies that said in bold words 'Your Local Bitch'. Iwaizumi had bought it a while ago and it wasn't long after that Oikawa stole it. Oikawa assumed it was fair because there were some rare occasions when Iwaizumi would steal his clothes too, it was an arrangement the two had.

"Iwa-Chan please tell me." Oikawa whined as they stopped at a stop sign. "You always tell me." He continued with a sigh. Iwaizumi without saying anything lifted Oikawa hand and kissed the back of it. "Patience." He stated and went back to driving.

Oikawa, stunned at the act of affection, stayed quiet expect for a small sigh. They continued to drive and Oikawa stared out the window line the main character that he is. The former setter couldn't recognize some of the scenery which made him nervous. Was Iwaizumi finally gonna kill him?

No... He wouldn't right?.... Right?

The two drove for a little longer before stopping at a cliff. It looked like one of those cliche love movies you would watch. The sky was almost too perfectly clear. "Iwa?" Oikawa said as he watched Iwaizumi get out if the car. "C'mon." Iwaizumi said motioning Oikawa to follow.

Oikawa slowly got out of the car, heart beating fast. Iwaizumi pulled out his phone and music started playing, confusing Oikawa even more.  'Well, music is a nice thing to play while you commit homicide i guess', Oikawa thought to himself as the former ace walked towards him.

"Care to dance?" Iwaizumi asked holding his hand out, taking the surprise of Oikawa. "So you're not gonna murder me?" Oikawa asked. "No,of course not. dumbass."  Iwaizumi chuckled. Oikawa let out a sigh before taking Iwaizumis hand. "Then yeah, i would love to." Oikawa said.

Iwaizumi pulled Oikawa close before sending him off, twirling him and pulling close again. Oikawa giggled and followed along. This was very unnormal for Iwaizumi, but Oikawa definitely wasn't complaining. There were few occasions when Iwaizumi was all lovey dovey, but that was only when he felt guilty or upset.

Oikawa brushed it off and went back to focusing on dancing instead. As the music played, the couple danced, the stars looking as celestial as ever, the moon bright as can be. It looked like a scene from one of those  cliche romance movies Oikawas sister had made him and Iwaizumi watch dozens of times.

"Hey Tōru?" Iwaizumi called out as the two swayed back and forth to the music. "Yes Hajime?" Oikawa responded. "Can you promise me something?" Iwaizumi asked. Both males could hear the others heart beat. "Oh course. What's the matter?" Oikawa said reassuringly, slightly calming Iwaizumi heartbeat.

"Promise you'll never leave me." Iwaizumi said. The music ended as if it was planned. Oikawa stood there slightly taken back by the request. "i know i was be mean, selfish and absolutely terrible to you at times in the past, but I'm better. Please don't leave me, I'm sorry." Iwaizumis voice cracked as he spoke.

Oikawa could feel small tears on his stolen jacket. "Of course Hajime, I love you and I always will. I'll never leave you, i promise." Oikawa said as he hugged his former ace tighter. "I love you too, Tōru." Iwaizumi responded with an even tighter hug.


Sorry this was short but I think it's somewhat decent-

If you don't like don't read lol-

Okay I'll try to not go disappearing again for 2 months

Stay hydrated, listen to Ppcocaine and eat the rich

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