Untold Secrets•12

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***********2 Months Later**************

Kamryn POV

After we both finish, he pulls out and lays next to me. I lay there and process everything while catching my breathe. After a few seconds I sit up. I grab my bra and underwear before putting it on.

I walk into the bathroom and closing the door behind me to pee. Once I'm finished, I wash my hands and head back out. I immediately started to put my clothes on.

"You running away again?" He asks

"You thought I was staying?" I ask

He lights a blunt.

"Nah. It's just you be such in a hurry like you scared of getting caught. You got a nigga or something?"

"Have you heard me mention one?" I ask putting on my shirt.

"That don't mean you ain't got one."

"No. I don't have one." I say sliding my feet into slides.

He gets up as I start to gather my things. After picking up my stuff he stands in front of me with a box. I look up at him.

"Don what is this?" I ask

"Something for you on your special day."

I open it.

"Happy Birthday

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"Happy Birthday." He says

***************Later That Morning***********

Kierra POV

I sit Kamryns plate In front of her. I told her I would make breakfast for her this morning she just had to come over. She's here, I made breakfast for her, but she doesn't seem in the mood.

"Thank you." She says

"Your welcome." I say staring at her.

I examine her facial expressions and body language. I also notice a new bracelet.

"That's a cute bracelet, you buy that for yourself?" I ask

She looks at it.

"No. It was a gift from a friend."

"Is this friend a girl or a guy?" I ask

She looks up at me.

MAFIA QUEEN UNTOLD SECRETS (Pt.2) Where stories live. Discover now