Untold Secrets•14

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Kamryn POV

It started storming about 30 minutes ago. You could hear the rain hit the outside of my home. The noise quickly became normal, until a knock on the door interrupted.

I was confused because I wasn't expecting any company and no one called. My baby is here, so now I'm really confused. I walk to the door and looked out the peek hole.

It was Kayla, my ex best friend. The last time I seen her, I beat her ass. So what the fuck does she want now? I hope forgiveness isn't it, because I don't have none to give.

She knocks again and I open the door. I don't mind fucking this bitch up in the rain.

I could tell by her body language she was uncomfortable. She didn't want to be here so why is she?


She looks at me.

That's when I noticed she was crying.

"Kamryn it's Brian. He's missing."

"Okay? He not my responsibility go find him."

"He's been missing for 2 days now Kamryn."

"He probably fuckin on someone , go ask his friends." I say


"You're now trespassing. Get the fuck off my porch."

"Something could be wrong-"

"Good! Now, get the fuck off my property!" I say slamming the door and locking it.

I walk into the kitchen and pour me a glass of wine before I hear a knock on my door again.

I open my kitchen drawer and grab my gun, before walking back to the door. I open it.

"Bitch you think-...."

Don stood there with flowers. We both look at each other.

"What are you doing here?"

"A lot of people power is out from the storm. So I just came to check on you."

He looks at the gun.

"You okay?" He asks

"Yea, I thought you were someone else. You can come in."

He steps in. After looking out and around, I close the door behind him. I turn to him.

"You sure you okay?" He asks

"Yea. Sorry."

"Okay. Well these are for you." He say handing me the flowers.

I take them.

"They're pretty. Thank you." I smile before walking away with them.

"No problem."

"You want some wine?" I ask jokingly

MAFIA QUEEN UNTOLD SECRETS (Pt.2) Where stories live. Discover now