Untold Secrets• 19

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****************Next Day****************

Khloe POV

I hold her head down underwater for about 45 seconds before I pull her back up. She coughs and gasps for air before throw her head back under. This time I hold her down no less than a minute. I finally pull her up again before throwing her on the ground. As she coughing up water I squat down next to her.

"Now you tell your son that he's got 24 hours to have my money or imma come back blow all this shit up. You got me?"

She nods.

I stand up and Duce hands me back my watch. I put it back on.

"Let's go."

We leave.

*************Mean While************

Kylie POV

I sit in the booth across from Izzy. I don't wanna be here but I am. He said that he would explain to me wanting to go slow. All of this is just pissing me off.

"You know what you want?"

"Isiah say what you about to say."

"What you mean?"

"Why you wanna take things slow?"

He sighs.

"Look imma be honest Kylie I ain't ready for no relationship."


"I'm just not."

"So what was all of this for?"


"Why you wasting my time?"

"I'm not tryna waste yo time I'm tryna be honest."

"You are, because I told you what I wanted from the jump. From the beginning you knew you wasn't ready for a relationship and instead of telling me, you let me fall in love and now I'm just supposed to wait because you ain't ready?"

"Would you rather me get into a relationship with you and fuck it up? I don't wanna fuck it up. I want you, I like you, and shit I love you but I don't trust myself being 100% committed to you. It ain't something I'm use to doing."

I didn't want him to see me cry so I just grab my stuff.

"Well call me when you figure it out." I say

I get up and he tries to grab me.


I snatch away and leave.

**************Hour Later************

Asia POV

I'm in Kamryn green house stocking back up on my weed. Kylie stood next to me with her arms crossed still mad about her and Izzy conversation.

If I was in her shoes I would be pissed too, but from outside looking in I understood where Izzy was coming from. Me with a straight head would rather take it slow than get into a relationship and be disappointed.

MAFIA QUEEN UNTOLD SECRETS (Pt.2) Where stories live. Discover now