the tree

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If you are not playing with the kits: you and black kit and onekit are practicing hunting around a small black log as the dark oak as you stalk a small leaf you accidently trip on one of the roots and and the leaf is blown away you try to jumo at it but fail and sit there bumbed onekut and blackkit notice this and come over blackkit head butted you and started making jokes and onekit was acting like he was beating the leaf and pretending to threaten it and smiled ul at you a few times you soon crack and start laughing and leaning against black kit when you hear a small rustle above camp at that moment you see black fur you raise your head blackkit and onekit ddnt seem to notice and walk to the main part of camp but you stay rooted to the ground and keep watching but all you heard was a sljght chuckle

If you are playing with the kits: you blackkit one kit and the kits are playing around a small black log known as the dark oak you jump into the oak pretending to be a fox trying to get the younger kit they sqeaul and run to blackkit and onekit you pretend to be stuck and whimper like a fox but then you realize you were stuck and started asking them to help onekit manages to pull you out but by then you have severaul scratches so they run to go get the med but while they do that you hear leaves rustle above you and see a black cat run for cover you get into a crouch and his but all you heard in return was a small pffft

Small anouncment sorry for not posting i had some issues wuth our dog dying do to a bear attack and we are stkll trying to make the problem better so deeply apoligise ill try to post more often

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