the game...

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If you chose (a,a): you rush over to the scene and tell blackkit to get off, he stares at you then to shallowkit, he jumps off her and walks to you "sorry i got a little angry that she hurt you" he said dipping his head to you. Onekit stares at shallowkit a grim expression on his face.

If you chose (a,b): you sit there smiling and laying against onekit as you watch shallowkit beg blackkit to get off her. One of the older kits, greenkit, rushes over and pushes blackkit off "whats wrong with you!" She snarled. "Im so sorry i didnt mean to" blackkit pretended to be sorry but greenkit seemed to think he was legit "okay.. just dont do it again" she said walking off

If you chose (b,a): you walk over to onekit and blackkit "do you know where shallowkit is?" She asked "no? Sorry we couldnt help (y/n)kit..." you stare at onekit and blackkit "okay thank you though!" You say nuzzling them then walk off. (Later) you were sitting and watching the stars when you hear a pitful moan. You walk towards it and see shallowkit limping through the dirtplace tunnel "what happend?!" You run over to her and let her lean against you. She leans against you breathing heavily,  "well i felt a pain in my head and woke up underwater... i swam up and well... a bunch of dogs got to me but i made it... and i wanted to say im so sorry for what i did.." she whispered you stare at her and smile "its okay your safe thats all that matters." You report to the leader about shallowkit, he looks at you with a look of gratitude as you follow him down the highledge you watch as he runs up to his daughter and nuzzled her than rushed her to the med den.

If you choee (b,b): you look pitifully at the leader as he panicks about his daughter you decide to search for her yourself. You slide outside camp from the dirtplace tunnel and walk around you checked under the sky oak, the old twoleg den... you finished checking the entire forest but you still couldnt find her but there was still one place to look... you raced down to the lake. No she wasnt there... you looke down at the lake a guilt overwhelming you... but as you look into the lake you see a body down at the bottom?! You jump into the lake struggling to swim... a cold wave washing over you and pulling you to the middle of the lake, where the body was, you push yourself further down trying to keep yiur mouth closed and your eyes open. You are close enough to see that its shallowkit?! You grab her and pull yourself up and as you reach the shore you heard a voice "shallowkit!!! (Y/n)kit!!!" Your mother, ashfire, the leader and yellowbelly rush over to you and shallowkit... you pull her to the shore, "you saved her?! Thank you thank you!!!" The leader, smokestar rushed over to his daughter grabbing her. Your mother grabbed you and purred "your a hero..."

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