the tree

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You blink open your eyes as your carried under a tree and see a community almost like a clan they carry you into a random den like area and throw you into a small hole in the floor you whimper as you land on right back leg and it feels like itll colapse you look up as the black tom laughs and calls to another cat "hey how about we make them look all beat uo so theyre soft little clan has more of a reason to give us what we want" you look up in shock and crawl into a ranom made hole in the wall you cover yourself wigh your fluffed up tail and hiss and small gray cat jumps down the hole almost landing perfectly and smirks "is the soft pampered kitty scared??" You look at her she may look small but you could tell she had alot of strength you??

A: you get up and decide to get into a fighting pose
If she wants to fight then youd give her one

B: you gulp and back against the corner terrified of what she could possibly do and what they wanted with her clan

If you chose A: you get up and fluff out your fur getting into the one fighting pose you knew and let out a deep growl "if im turning into a scrap im getting some hits in first" you hiss the she looked impressed and smirked "i like this one theyll be fun" she leaped at you but for some reason you backed up instead of what you wanted to do leap to the side the gray she crashed jnto the floor and huffed "dirt..." yiu took this oppurtunity to strike you clawed her muzzle but it wasnt deep dew go you not having much battle training except what you watched and 2 your claws werent fully developed yet she smiled "nice one scrap" and leaped at yoh pinning you tk the wall she growled and threw you to the other side of the pit you hit a rock and it suddenly became harder to move and think she evauntly beat yiu bad eniugh for you to give up she looked down at you "you put up a good enough fight for this " she said as she dropped a small mouse you ate it quickly then just layed there

If you chose B: you backed against the wall the she sighed and stared at you "weak scared little kitty" and launched at you you ducmed under her and ran away the she got up and huffed then turned around and backed you into a corner you whimpered "why cant i just go home" the she suddemly looked suprised and kinda just stopped she then looked down at her paws then back at you but shook her head and glared at you "sorry kid but dont worry your clan will come soon okay your helping us " then she hit your head against something and you blacked out but before your hearing went ghe she muttered "theres food in the corner for you" then everyhing was dark silent and lonely...

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